Garden Plans

Frigid temperatures headed south. You need to make plans now!

Good morning everyone, wanted to give you all some time to start to prepare for the fridge attempts that are threatening the south beginning mid week next week. Start to take action now to ensure you are ready to go to protect your garden. Your animals in your home.


  1. Thats coming our way then. We missed it yesterday. Sixteen degrees. Thats awful. I,ve got the grandbabies. I,ll have to go buy them a coat today. I wanted to take them fishing. It will have to be today i guess if its going to get that cold. Our daughter flew down to see that house. Contract is on it. Poor Mamaw! Love you all

  2. Thank you for the update keep up the good work ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘

  3. Our forced air bullet heater is 330,000 b.t.u's and it's runs off kerosene or diesel. I didn't know they make one that runs off propane.
    But I'd probably use a forced air heater for the bell peppers.

  4. Y'all know what a cheapskate I am! I've been cutting open feed sacks as I empty them and using duct tape to make my own frost covers. Those work fine for short frosty nights, especially if you mulch everything real deep. Add a thrift store/yard sale sheet or blanket over that and it's pretty good for a day or two. I knew my little cattle panel hoophouse wasn't going to be enough if we got really cold for very much more than a day or two, so I got all that stuff ready ahead of the season.
    I have 55-gallon water barrels that are blue. I think I'll be painting a few of them black and moving them to flank my hoophouse in future. Thermal mass is a good way to help beat the (usually!) few short cold spells we get.
    I've got a couple of those oil-filled radiator type heaters to use for the chickens and maybe in the hoophouse if it looks dire. I'll have to run a long cord to the hoophouse if I do that, but it is an option.
    I'll be thinking on more things I can do, but I'm ok with letting some things go if I can't get them indoors.

  5. Lucky us. We woke up to a glaze of ice, school kids cheering NO SCHOOL! Snow coming later. Electric has cut off and back on once so far. The generator will be ready to go to keep things running. Stay safe and prepared my southwestern friend!

  6. I would put old sheets, fabric, towels, on plants first, then plastic….even tarps…make it air tight…they will be fine without sun for a few days….and water well before this hits

  7. Ughโ€ฆ we have been so spoilt with the nicer weather, I am not looking forward to this! Thanks for the heads up though, Jill!

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