Gardening Trends

I don't need less, I need more (Health Update Follow Up)

CHECK OUT MY EBOOKS! Easy healthy gluten-free plant based recipes your whole family will enjoy! Zero Waste ebook about how you can begin to be zero waste, along with advanced zero waste tips! ONLY available on my website!
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Some of my Favourite Things:
► Check out the FlashFood App to save grocery store produce from ending up in the trash! Use this link to get $8 of free food! Use Code: AMBVZ2F
► My favourite cloth pads! Tree Hugger Cloth Pads (Each pad bought plants a tree!):
► Check Out West Coast Seeds, my Favroite Seed Company!
► We use sustainable cork mats for yoga practice (they have both kids and adult sizes)!
► One of my favorite organic cotton clothing brands (Pact Clothing)
► One of my favorite clothing brands (Toad and Co)!
► My favorite Freeze Dryer (Stay Fresh: freeze dryer) : FairlyLocal50, for $50 off per freeze dryer
► My favorite bathing suit/swimwear (Andy swimwear)
► My absolutely favorite linen bedding (Some home)!
► Indoor growing system (Click&Grow)

Music in this video:
Music by Mr. Jello – Serenity –


  1. Thanks for the inspiration and hoping the best outcome for you! Do you have any silver fillings or ever had a root canal by chance? Those have been some issues that bring out illnesses in people.

  2. I believe you
    have done everything anyone could possibly do to try to heal themselves.
    I hate that no one can really help you or solve your situation!
    I wonder if the makers of Accutane have ever been contacted to see what they say or can come up with . I remember when Accutane first came out there were a lot of warnings with it.

  3. I appreciate you speaking out against people saying it's all in your head. I have several chronic illnesses and I hear that shit all the time. I really had to advocate for myself to get most of the multiple disabilities diagnosed. We really need to fight the idea that doctors know everything, they really don't. They are constantly learning more and sometimes they don't have a name for what you suffer from yet.

  4. I can concur with not telling people their illness is all in their head….I went 9 years going to my GP over and over and endless specialists and tests. I’m convinced now that my GP believed it was all in my head as he never even suggested a CT scan….after 9 years of being on disability and hell like agony and ending up in ER countless times… I finally got a CT scan and it just happened that I was rushed to ER for my ‘tummy troubles’ before my GP told me the results of the scan, So I found out by the ER doctor that I had CANCER. ( NHL) It ended up being that I had stage 4 cancer as it had metastasized to my bone marrow. I had a tumour the size of a grapefruit in the back of my stomach cavity and tumours all over my entire body. Just an extreme example of why it’s never a good idea to tell someone who is sick/ ill that it is ‘all in their head’.

  5. Wait. You know people who are in the garden more than you? 😉 I asked awhile ago how many hours you think you work in your garden because I wanted to get started on mine. 🤯 I don't know how you do it with being sick! Hugs to you!

  6. Thanks for sharing, Amber🌟 I am glad you do not feel the need to film on the bad days. I am glad you are encouraging people to be confident to do what they know is best for them & not focus on what others think they should be sharing etc. Sending warm wishes this holiday season & healthy wishes in the new year💌🍏

  7. My husband was misdiagnosed for over 10 years. We were told that his mental health problems weren't that bad or they must be from him smoking meth (he wasn't) his symptoms were ignored. By the time we got the right diagnosis Paranoid Schizophrenia it was to late to help him. The love of my life my best friend is consistently homelessness in a mental hospital or jail. I haven't seen him in over a year and our three kid's have lost their daddy.

  8. I recently read bout about faecal microbiome transplants being beneficial for UC and Chrons. Maybe, this may be another route to investigate what's happening in your gut.
    Also, some functional medicine doctors claim heavy metals and some viruses can trigger these autoimmune diseases.
    I really hope your journey leads you to a healed body.

  9. Thank you for using your voice!! I felt this to my core. I went undiagnosed with severe endometrosis after 15 years crying, begging, and pleading for an answer. Don't GIVE UP!! you never know who might be the Dr that finally puts the puzzle pieces together!

  10. I hope all your days are bright healthy and filled with love amber. And to hear “it’s in your head” really sucks. Sending love blessed be

  11. I hope you can find a cure or a therapy to help you feel better. People saying its in your head probably have problems of there own so don't pay them no mind. I suffer in silence, I don't want my family to worry. So take care of yourself. Luv karyann

  12. When I was in canada for two years, I started experiencing hypoglycemia pretty badly. I told a doctor and a therapist "eating sugar makes me feel energy then I crash hard"

    I found on a computer screen they diagnosed me with "delusional disorder" I disliked Canada's medical system so much, but it was as bad as the us.

  13. Is there a connection between accutane and stomach issues? I was on it twice and also suffered with stomach problems as a teen

  14. invest and keep going 👍🏻 there are people/ researchers that research and need support in this field to continue and search on it keep it up 🙏🏻

  15. It’s so awful that people would tell you it’s all in your head. & totally don’t post on days you are ill.
    However when you went into more detail about the origins of your condition and that you have a stomach ulcer. I totally get that you might not want to eat red meat despite the anaemia and low blood pressure but I’ve been on some medication that cratered my gut bacteria and made me very ill and one of the things that helped me get better and is great for stomach ulcers too is live organic natural yoghurt. I’m not sure what the situation is in Canada but I know in America they are allowed to have all kinds of pus and antibiotics in milk that are not allowed where I am in Europe but yoghurt is easy enough to make if you can get hold of decent quality milk. I totally respect you for being vegan for so long and that you want to be sustainable, but everything you are saying is suggesting to me that natural yoghurt and small amounts of red meat might be the answer? (In the uk even people like George Mombion say venison is an environmentally friendly ethical solution as deer have no apex predators so they need to be culled to protect other species in the eco system, I don’t think that’s the case in Canada but there must be something similar?)
    Anyway I really hope you find something that works for you, but don’t overlook potential help for the sake of ethics. Lots of people find that full out veganism just doesn’t work for their body and the important thing is that everyone tries the best they can not that one person is perfect. Hugs.

  16. It’s Astounding actual viewers have said it’s all in your head and let me guess, they were all male? Or at the very least females with internalised misogyny. I have had male doctors tell me that too which is a complete lack of integrity but also their ability as a “doctor” is non existent. I’ve had this said to me and I know other woman have too. I, like you know it’s not in my head as it’s my lived experience and I know I try hard every single day to absolutely help myself in every way and push through pain and fatigue. The worst part of all this medical insult to us and lack of knowledge, skill and empathy is now the world is facing “long Covid” some doctors are now taking notice of them. Not once have they said “it’s all in their head”
    As for “filming when you’re sick” is ludicrous. We all push through when we can but to expect you to film when you’re having bad days is outrageous. It shows a total lack of any understanding in the slightest. People just don’t get on bad days even talking with our family is extremely fatiguing. That it’s even hard to get to the loo. To expect you to pick up a camera is beyond words. Thank you SO much for this video. My heart is with you 💖

  17. I'm glad you've read The Body Keeps the Score, I think it's a brilliant book for understanding somatic illness but also reinforcing when something is very physically wrong. It actually helped me to understand that, yes, my body is a mess because of the trauma I've gone through but that so much else isn't explained by the psychological or fixable by psychiatric means. That lit a fire in je to keep trying to get answers. I don't have them all yet but I've got a lot more hope now than just when doctors were telling me "it's all in my head".

  18. I'm sure you've tried everything.. I also believe that food is medicine, it's everything! I also believe and trust in energy and consciousness as well as our spirit guides. You ask, they answer… Have you tried getting a reading done? Maybe someone can help you communicate with your guides. Maybe they can direct you down the right path to feeling/being healthy. Something doctors could never learn in their textbooks. Wishing you all the best on your journey!

  19. I think you should explore Ehlers Danlos sydrome . Many of your symptoms tie in with this and its worth exploring , much love xx from NZ

  20. I'm in a chronic cough discussion group. Talk about frustrated peeps! There are just some illnesses that you have to chase down a hundred rabbit holes, medical or not! Good luck and hope you find an answer. (I also have IBS which I thought started from a run of ordinary antibiotics for an upper respiratory. Fortunately, it's minor case that doesn't cause much problems. But some people have terrible IBS.)

  21. You don't owe anyone proof, and you get to choose what part of your life you show.

    My sibling was sick and in chronic pain, and doctors just gave up on figuring it out. 20 years later, we found out it was Lyme disease. Just having that answer meant a lot to them.

  22. Meat heals. Carnivore is the one thing you never tried.
    A Carnivore diet would cure you, in my opinion. Fruit and Vegetables are NOT human food.

  23. Hey, I have a similar story including the low blood pressure and passing out problems. Just recently went to a natural doctor that did a poop test, blood test, and food test. Turns out my iron is ridiculously protein in low and I have haushemotos. Took about 12 years. Also turns out I have automune responses to kale, almonds, chia seeds, eggs, yeast.. and a bunch of other things I eat daily. I am on a ton of supplements and planning to do the automune protocol diet to find out what else my body doesn’t like. Using a book call the nutrient dense kitchen by Mickey trescott. Hope this helps! Praying for you.

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