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Christopher Gardner speaks about his research findings

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Christopher Gardner, PhD recently spoke at the John & Mary McDougall Advanced Study Weekend in Santa Rosa, CA.
Dr. Gardner holds a PhD in Nutrition Science and is a Professor of Medicine at Stanford. For the past 20 years his research has examined the potential health benefits of dietary components such as soy, garlic, antioxidants, ginkgo, omega-3 fats, vegetarian diets, and weight loss diets in the general population. Recently his nutrition interests have expanded to two new areas. The first is to explore motivators other than health for making positive dietary changes, piggybacking on ongoing social movements around animal welfare, climate change, social justice, and their relationships to food – stealth health. The second is to focus on a food systems approach to dietary improvements that addresses the quality of food provided by schools, hospitals, worksites, food banks and other institutional food settings.


  1. Stupid putting up so many videos in one big batch. They could have put up a video per day and the engagement would be 100 times as much as farting it all out in one indigestible feed spam.

  2. Either this man is illiterate, or what he means as open mindedness is really condescendence to the social norm.

  3. Flexiveganarian! Love that word! That's what I am, too, when we have chickens. But even then, my husband and daughter eat most of them. I don't care one way or the other.

  4. I commend his enthusiasm for investigating a comparison of vegan to paleo, but for the sake of diplomacy he seems to be skirting the fact that there is already scientific data proving that paleo is unhealthy in a number of ways, and a vastly larger amount of data proving that a whole foods/plant-based diet is the healthiest one around.

  5. Dr. Gardner is the best example of an open-minded person. He is pretty much vegan (vegetarian really), but he published a study comparing Ornish to Atkins. Atkins won. What he thought was most interesting was that it seemed the most insulin resistant people did well on Atkins, while insulin sensitive people did best on Ornish. However, most over-weight people are insulin resistant. So it takes a great deal of courage for Gardner to admit that the diet he prefers (high-carb vegan) may not be the best diet for many people. Read his studies, they are awesome. Unlike Dr. Barnard, whose studies all show a vegan diet is nothing special, but he always try to claim they show a vegan diet reverses T2 diabetes. Unethical fraud.

  6. He is absolutely on the money in that we must move away from binary argument about a one sized diet that fits all. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet for those who live in northern Canada and Siberia is inappropriate for that environment. We are a global species but with many cultural and environmental differences. Much of the debate from the Vocal Vegans is from their non-nutritional agenda. If the first stepping stone is to eliminate processed and refined food stuffs from the diet and move to a whole food that is organic and free range is then the spectrum of diet promoters must work together in a more ecumenical fashion.

  7. I just watched his 2008 Stanford Lecture and was about to post a question  re Dr. M's thoughts on his finding from the Stanford Battle of the diets video. (When I saw this video with Dr. M's name on it). Because it seems to contradict Dr. M's approach.  So… How does Dr. Mc Dougall account for Gardner's results which seem to favour "Atkinesk: type dietary approaches ?  I have started down the McDougall road and want to know do I continue or start now to moderate my approach and open up to potential options and thoughts (obviously still no Meat)

  8. I'm a low carb omnivor… But I love Dr Gardner! 🙂 Not because of the A to Z study, but becuz I believe he's a very open minded and ethical researcher. 😀

    Anywayz, about food. Vegan, vegetarian, meat eater, omnivor… hey, as long as ure healthy with how you eat… go ahead. Let's not fight. Let's just eatttt… 😀 [I'm fasting now tho… will be eating, God willing, in another 4 hours? Amen]

  9. "I am not proselytizing my own diet"; If everyone was listening he says this due to the fact that you cannot take a one diet (way of eating) fits all. He does say there is a base all can agree on, and that is lots of veggies. So, people should stop trying to put a flag in the ground.

  10. LCHF is also radical change. What is Gardner saying? Is he just saying that he has not found the answer to his basic questions on what is the best diet? Gardner has great hair though.

  11. listen to his study on garlic and he totally was comparing oranges to apples. I mean how can you do a study with garlic, doing such on BREAD.. lol The study that was successful was not regular garlic anyway like he did it. it was aged extract garlic, 2 x 2 a day, for 6 months… NOTHING at all like he compared and then said it did not work. It clearly was very successful on the extract aged garlic…. but do agree with him on many other things… Yes, the blue zones really is aobut one of the best studies that prove plant foods make a big difference i think

  12. I think that we need emphasize nutrient density. I am 69 years old with type 2 diabetes for 20 years. I have tried almost every diet under the sun. For the last 3 years I have been logging my food intake and analysing the results. I do best on a ketogenic nutrient dense animal based diet. My friend, who is 70, thrives on a nutrient dense low fat vegetarian diet. Why the difference?

  13. Christopher Gardner demonstrates a truly amazing open way of thinking. Searching for commonalities as well as differences. Most impressive talk I have come across on the McDougall chhannel 👍.

  14. This is SUCH AN AWESOME ❤️ TALK!!! I love that this professor is taking a new approach to creating change! His energy and enthusiasm and passion, along with his intention to make a difference is contagious and I think is what will make his journey successful 🙏🕉️☮️☯️😇

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