Edible Gardening

Seven brilliant self seeding perennial foliage plants!

This week on The Horti-Culturalists we take a look at seven fabulous perennial plants that add colour and form to the garden that Stephen grows purely for the foliage that he allows to self seed in a managed way. Some of these plants can be thuggish in the garden, and in fact in some regions could be weedy, so Stephen removes the flower heads before they mature unless he wants to collect seed that year.
The plants we cover in this video are:
Rumex sanguineus or red veined dock
Plantago major ‘Rubra’
Anthriscus sylvestris ‘Ravenswing’
Anthriscus sylvestris ‘Golden Fleece’
Foeniculum vulgare ‘Purpureum’ or bronze fennel
Lunaria annua ‘Alba Variegata’ or honesty
Arundo donax variegata
And as Stephen has a thing for self seeders we have made another video about them that you can see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDtdVnJsQEQ
And we’ve made a video about managing suckering thuggish plants here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlK1cjpyUbI


  1. This was fantastic as ever! It’s all frozen and bleh here in the U.K. so lovely to see it all green and sunny in Victoria!

  2. ✨💞Such a great gathering of foliage, creating their own bordering, crannies, structures.
    🌿Your vids are always filled with great info, beautiful tips and all round, top interest👍
    Thank you both ❤

  3. Hi, I am Kimutai Katwa a gardener from Kenya, been following you since the Iochroma video. My questions, Won't picking seeds from only one plant each year cause inbreeding depression over time? and, I read somewhere that Arundo Donax seeds are sterile except in their natural habitat, any truth to that?

  4. I thought my perennial of many years, rumex sanguineus died this summer from drought, so I bought some seeds to sow, and then it popped up this fall.

  5. THE OED says that the plant is named honesty for the coins that are transparent

  6. I must be one of the few that has trouble growing Anthriscus ravenswing 🙁 I'm also in Central Vic but closer to Castlemaine, so maybe it's something to do with climate?

    Regarding the name 'honesty', I remember being told by my Grandmother that the name was because the seeds were visible through the translucent pods.

    Thanks for another lovely video gents 🙏🌱

  7. I don’t know why youtube algorithm didn’t recommend you sooner. I am in the US, but everything is very relevant. You could collaborate with more overseas gardeners for visibility. You have wonderful professional content.

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