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Devotees Exist Beyond Suffering | Nityananda Chandra Das | Morning Bhagavatam Class

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  1. Notes:

    ✍5 kleshas: avidya – ignorance, asmita – overidentiying with the mind, rajas- hankering, dvesha – avoidance, abhinivesha – fear of death

    ✍Klesha = ignorance/ suffering. There are 3 types of kleshas we experience : causes by our own minds/bodies & caused by other’s minds/bodies, caused by the environment

    ✍—>Radha Raman Prabhu PhD-4 part sravan series at Mayapur

    ✍We mistake the rope for the snake because of their similar qualities. In the same way, we mistake the material world for the reality because reality does exist!

    ✍the perspective of the process of liberation or being in ignorance have no significance because one is beyond that

    ✍”Ultimately the real solution for permanent lasting life in happiness is pure love of Godhead – Krsna Consciousness”

    ✍with pure living entity there is no darkness which is why such person does not identify with the darkness.

    ✍Jiva Goswami wrote 400,000 verses!

    ✍Lord Chaitanya delivered His mercy all over but have not go to Varanasi/Benares

    ✍The presentation of the scripture by Jiva Goswami was incredibly erudite, meant for those with advanced logic skills & who already memorized other shastras. Even as the example of high intelligence: “this is the chair” —> “this chair possesses the qualities of chariness”

    ✍Maha Mantra = Krsna Himself, Marginal Energy (Jivas), Internal Energy, External Energy—> everything is in the Holy Name : Krsna, devotees calling for Him, the entire manifestation, all tattvas

    ✍SB 11.19 —>the one who is not attached to sense gratification is the real controller. Pure devotional service transcend attachment

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