Edible Gardening

How to Grow Leafy Vegetables in Pots

Cut down on your trips to the supermarket by growing your own leafy greens such as Xiao Bai Cai, Kangkong and Lettuce at home! Learn how in this video.

This video is produced as part of the Gardening with Edibles programme to guide your through your gardening journey – from planting the seeds to harvesting and cooking them in your kitchen. Nurture a love for gardening and join us in our journey to transform Singapore into a City in Nature. To learn more, visit www.go.gov.sg/gardening-with-edibles

Gardening with Edibles is brought to you by NParks, supported by the Garden City Fund and founding partners DBS and Tote Board. It is also supported by SFA as part of Singapore’s ’30 by 30′ goal.

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  1. This seems to be welcome news.
    For the past year or more, I've been trying to get help from NParks (through the phone) but was disappointed with their failure to respond positively. Each time I tried to get assistance on where to buy seeds (cheaply/economically) and other questions, I was often met with 'not the person-in-charge' response. When I requested assistance to get the person to call me back (since his contact# can't be given), it spelt the 'end of the road' of my enquiry.
    I suggest NParks make the seeds available to the public at economical costs so that this project can become a reality and not just a PR exercise. (Please don't say "Get from the Gardening Shops". it is not economical and the planting often fail .)
    The Community Garden / Residents Gardening programme through the RCs has been very disappointing, too. My attempts to get some help/info from some such gardens under the RCs have been met with 'deceit' and unwillingness to provide some help/info pertaining to gardening interest (perhaps due to the 'competitive environment' created by the community garden competition).
    I know this comment seems unflattering, but this has been my experiences.
    Hope this attempt to get help directly from NParks comes to fruition.

  2. Hi Nparks, thanks a lot for such informative videos! I'm planning to start growing the seeds indoors in the living room by the window but will that invite pesky insects into my house?

  3. What two leafy vegetables can be planted in same pot. I hv kai lan and bayam. Can put them one type on each side of my styrofoam box which is too big for one type of vege. Thank you.

  4. Got a question.

    Why the CX we grow. We compare the market size..why wont they shape like market size.

    When we know are the right time to harvest.

  5. Hi! My indoor areas are not exposed to a lot of sunlight. Is it possible to replace natural sunlight with grow lights? Thank you 🙂

  6. May I know how long does it take to grow bok choy from seeds till they can be harvested?

  7. I read that a lot of leafy vegetables require a lower temperature to germinate (usually between 18c-25c), how will one achieve it in Singapore? I've tried growing lettuce from seeds but haven't manage to germinate them :/

  8. How do u fertilize these veges? Some fertilizers contain chicken/cow dung it's very smelly and attracts small flies.

  9. Hi nparks, I have white spikey stuff growing on the leaves of my kangkong. Any idea what are they and how do I remove them? Thank you!

  10. How come my vegetables become chewy n hard stem like tooth pick. Not like those sold in the market.

  11. I did do farm plant for vegetables on ground, it was nice like what is sold in the market. Now I plant them in HDB , pot. They are so chewy n hard

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