Japanese Garden

Gardening Masterclass: How To Grow Beans And Cucumbers

There are many types of beans that you can grow locally from seeds. Most of them are plants that are fast growing climbers that can be grown in pots with a planting frame or DIY trellis.

Cucumbers are grown from seeds and produces male flowers first followed by female flowers. Sometimes hand pollination is required if there are no pollinators in your garden. Find out more about growing beans and cucumbers in our masterclass by Ms Lilian Kwok!

For more information on the Gardening with Edibles Masterclass Series, visit https://www.nparks.gov.sg/gardening/gardening-with-edibles/gardening-masterclass

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  1. Listen to this, the most important thing you'll ever read. If you die today will you go to heaven? Have you ever lied, stolen, used God's name as a curse word (O-M-G)? According to God's law, you're guilty, your headed for hell, ignorance will not be an excuse… But wait, God loves you, he made a way out for you, God's son Jesus died paying for your sin.

    God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him will not die but have everlasting life. John 3:16

    God is warning the world. End Time prophesies are jumping off the pages of the Bible, plagues, violence, scoffers, government control, earthquakes, fires, floods, people will be lovers of themselves, money, lovers of pleasure rather than God, evil will be called good and good called evil, sexual immorality rampant adultery, fornication, abuse… the ultimate in child abuse mommies killing their babies in child sacrifice (abortion), World leaders are prepping for a One-World order, government, religion (please don’t take a number on your forehead or right hand, read Revelation a number means no heaven, and there's only one alternative) The government is also prepping to have you believe that UFO's are real… Soon the believers in Christ/Christians will be taken up, away with God, then antichrist will come and fix everything, everyone will love him, he will deceive many… then the tribulation will start, life on earth will be horrific. Today if you hear God whispering to your heart please respond before it's too late. Say a humble prayer, pour your heart out to God, receive Jesus as your savior, believe God raised Jesus from the dead, and repent of your sins.

  2. use garlic and chillie, soak in water then use the wayer and spray on the leaves where you aphids or others,

  3. Hi thank you for your advice on cucumber plant i have a problem with my cucumber plant it has alot of male flower but male flower are very small the flower before it open the flower drop off please reply cos i am a new learner thank you

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