Front Yard Garden

6 Weeks Coast to Coast

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Good luck watching this one on your bathroom break.


Cameras: nikon F2
Contax T2

Instayams: @50_shades_of_jason
Tiktok: @dumbgrainydays

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  1. The amount of time, effort and energy put into this is crazy. So much respect. To have an almost 3hr video this tight is nuts.

  2. Just watching this in England what a great video one of the best I have seen the effort and time you must have spent editing and putting the video together is greatly appreciated 👍

  3. This was awesome, Jason! Thanks for sharing your fantastic photos and adventures with us. Looking forward to more great stuff in 2023. Wishing all the best to you, Monica, and Baxter.

  4. That was an epic video – congratulations. Had in on through my last day of work before Christmas. Where next? Pan-Am Highway?

  5. Not only is this a wonderful photography video, I think this is one of the greatest road trip docs I've ever seen in my life.

  6. Video @ 2:09:48 "Amish" – The moment you wish you weren't going so fast – a great & fleeting 'Decisive Moment' – – – missed

  7. Our prayers to our God and father George Muncey for a photographic respite at this, our hour(or 3) of need have been answered. Something to get us thru this holiday family schmamily nonsense.

  8. i adore that vegas hotel so much. as somebody who has spent around half my life watching americans doing american things in america this video has just doubled my desire to travel there. nevertheless, thanks for putting out such a long video, i’m going to spread it out until like june 2024.

  9. Only 3 hours ?!?!?! Where's my Peter Jackson Director's extend cut that's 9 hours ?

    Also for a 3 Hour youtube video this is incredibly re-watchable. Have you considered a career in…*cough*…… film ! HAHAHAHA

  10. Jason – an absolutely incredible video. Genius stuff. Can we have one every fortnight?
    A question: how did you persuade Nicholas Cage to play you in the video? Total kudos, man.

  11. Got fired because apparently taking a shit for 2 hours and 47 mins is not in line with company policy. 10/10 Jason

  12. Excellent! I have done photography while motorcycling, but found it less than ideal: I hate stopping to take pix, the ride is just too enjoyable.

  13. Only 10 minutes shorter than "The Fellowship of the Ring." Just trying to go drop that Nikon in Mt Doom.

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