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Soldier Clinically Dead For Over 10 minutes And Was Told Three Huge Things In Heaven -Remarkable NDE

Soldier Clinically Dead For Over 10 minutes And Was Told Three Huge Things In Heaven

Near Death Experience of Brian Hoyland/TS Dismas who had died in the hospital for nearly 11 minutes due to cardiac arrest brought on by an auto-immune disease which contracted after being exposed to toxic chemicals in the Army. This diseases destroyed his heart by replacing healthy cells with scar tissue and making it non-functional. This is his testimony of meeting Jesus in Paradise and the message he was sent back to share.
⭐ Check Out More Details Of Dismas’s NDE https://youtu.be/bNKzZz0FVQQ

Some People dismiss near death experiences (NDE) as dreams or the hallucinations of a dying brain, people generally do not have the same kinds of hallucinations. In contrast, the descriptions of near-death experiences are remarkably consistent across culture and time. Many people do think when they do had their Near death Experience, they saw past life regression, out of body experience, angels, heaven, met jesus, afterlife and testimony of jesus e.t.c..

For more NDE narrations, please see below.

Women Who Lost A Son Didn’t Believe in God Until This NDE | Near Death Experience | suicide

So Different Than I Expected Near Death Experience| NDE

Man Died For 45 Minutes And Went Straight To Heavenly Realms – Near Death Experience

If you would like for us to narrate your personal near-death experiences, Please email us at : ndediary@counsellor.com
MUSIC: StoryBlocks/Audio Library
FOOTAGE licensed through StoryBlocks and Filmpac.
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near death experiences

Disclaimer: This video is taken from an interview by us and our channel, not taken from another channel, and it is all original content.


  1. I had an NDE from a motorcycle accident in 2000. I can completely relate to the whole space thing. I’ve told people nearly word for word how you said it! Which is nice to hear.
    I was told I was going back because I could do more.
    I love making peoples lives around me as good as I can. Leaving things better than I found them.

  2. millions of folk say millions of different things about similar situations. hallucinations are nothing new…

  3. I saw the place you are talking about I thought I was the only one because everyone always talks about floating above their bodie and a light but the light that did come was blinding but I had no problem seeing into it God bless

  4. WOW ! Love your experience. I have died on the table. I call it a near life experience. A near death experience isn't accurate. Not to be critical at all. My friend, I love you.

  5. First person I’ve actually heard use the proper term. Actual Death Experience 👍

  6. I hope I get to join you when my time comes, but I've been hurt so bad by others that I can't get rid of this unforgiveness festering in my heart nor can I stop bitching out God when it feels like there's an ulcer on my heart. My God my God, why have you forsaken me?

  7. You didnt see heaven. You dont go to hell or heaven after you die. But yeah need some cool as story for views and new ways of income

  8. Thanks for Telling , I’ve been silent about My experience has Happened to me Think 8 different Time through out My Life it is The Most Beautiful Experience ever , You never Know you Died Reborn seeing and Living your Life All over again , Only The People on Earth knows your Dead , You just Keep Living , Believe in Him and You are Saved , I went to Hell once That’s a Whole another Store Don’t like Talking about The Devil , JUST BELIEVE and He’ll except All Your Sins , Merry Christmas To All

  9. Jesus is the way the truth and the life ,don't let these evil people trick you into not believing that ,trust the Judgment of Jesus is fact so search Jesus out and read the scripture, and believe that though Jesus Christ anything can be achieved

  10. If I were face-to-face with Jesus and He asked me if I wanted to go back to my life on Earth, without hesitation I would say no. That'd be a no-brainer.

  11. People see what they believed in life. People see Buddha, Jesus, Krishna,
    They all lead to enlightenment
    Ayahuasca is like an NDE
    3000 people study found all had similar experiences

  12. Just remember there are no tatoos in heaven. Its a sin to deface God's work. Your body, face, soul is HIS creation. Dont use it for graffiti

  13. Amen brother! I was watching and waiting for something unbiblical to test the spirit and to my relief I couldn't find anything. I 100% believe you. Did you feel Jesus's peace upon you?

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