
Growing Onions in a Banana tree, the most creative and unique ideas

Growing Onions in a Banana tree, the most creative and unique ideas
🌳 This is how I mix the soil to grow vegetables at home

Hope useful for you.

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  1. К сожалению, в России не растут банановые деревья. Посадку лука производим на приусадебном участке, на даче, а в зимний период времени выращиваем лук в ёмкостях не глубоких с землёй на поддоконниках. У Вас всё прекрасно растёт! Вы супер агроном и рационализатор! Всех Вам благ!

  2. Buenos días Teo Grande felicidades gracias por tus técnicas este día 24 de diciembre celebramos el nacimiento de nuestro Salvador en México con muchas bendiciones te deseamos también muchos saludos y bendiciones para ti desde Monterrey nuevo León México

  3. WG FROM THE BRONX HELLO 👋 everyone well , Thanks for the lesson that's it is marvelous 👍👍 very ingenious.‼️

  4. Terbaik sahabat terima kasih perkongsian nya semoga terus sukses dan terus bersemangat 💪💪💪.

  5. I have a banana farm here in the Caribbean, and I do this with most any seed.

  6. Very creative! I’m wondering what variety of onions those are? They almost looked like garlic to begin with. Thank you!

  7. WOW! That is amazing 👏 ! Such a great effort with extraordinary results, I love it 💚.
    Merry Christmas, Feliz Natal, Feliz Navidad and best wishes too all!

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