Backyard Garden

Yellowing Squash leaves in our Zone9b Arizona Backyard Garden Wk5

Yellowing Squash leaves in our Zone9b Arizona Backyard Garden Wk5. Today, it is a steamy 95 degrees in the Phoenix Metro. For the last week or so I have been monitoring a yellowing of my squash plant leaves. I take you through the first things I have considered and the solution I am applying today. We have lots of great growth with our tomato plants and lots of seedlings are coming up! We are in trial and error phase with the rising temperatures and how often we should be watering presently. I got the recipe/solution I am trying from Gary Pilarchik (The Rusted Garden): 2 tbs of epson salt to one gallon of water. I used some aerated water to hopefully cut down on the water marks.



  1. Hey did I hear you correct that you only water once a day ? I have noticed already with the hot days we’ve had that some of my plants are wilting am I over watering. And great looking garden, thanks for sharing

  2. YES! Epsom salt should help and maybe there's a calcium deficiency so i heard a tums may work though ive never tried. I have given my plants in the past a side dressing of finely crushed eggshells….I think you are ruling out in the right order though…..over watering, sunlight, fertilizer of some sort…I am learning how to diagnose myself….it can be tricky sometimes, but you are on the right track I believe….great video!

  3. I used 2 tablespoons epsom salt in a gallon water on my squash & cucumbers when I noticed they were doing the same thing. They got a boost of growth & haven’t gotten any more yellow, crispy leaves. I think the fertilizer I used has too much nitrogen. I was using some all-purpose stuff like MiracleGro & Expert then realized their nitrogen levels are in the freakin’ TWENTIES! So I’m throwing it out & getting something closer to 10-10-10 or 5-5-5. More balanced & lower numbers.

  4. You can eat Nasturtiums in salads, good for your eyes. I grew mine from seeds. Only have one orange bloom after 2 months. We pronounce it here in the South, Nas tur shums. Just sayin….😂

  5. I’ve got 33 tomato plants of every variety, Cherokee, Celebrity, Golden Jubilee. Chocolate cherry, Sunrise Bumblebee, Green Zebra. Only 3 okra survived, 3 eggplants, several cucumbers, lots of red bell, green bell, poblano, Snackabelle, & Candy Cane peppers, Kale, yellow crookneck & straightneck squash, & zucchini. Two 30’ rows of strawberries, green beans, radishes, basil, rosemary, parsley, & dill, besides all the flowers. Middle TN high 90’s heat as well. 👩‍🌾

  6. Love your video! Hoping there’s more. I was researching yellow squash problem my aunt is having. Leaves yellow, stalk rotting. Not much rain, wondering if some kind of worm, she asked? 🤷‍♀️

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