Japanese Garden

Japanese Gardens – ( Rocks & Stones ) What Is A Traditional 'Zen' Garden & It's History?

Many people wonder ‘What IS a Zen garden?’ and perhaps like you, wish to know a lot more about Zen gardens or Japanese rock gardens and their ingredients.

My website on this subject is http://www.turnyourgardenjapanese.com and this video is typical of the sort of information you can find on my site.

Zen gardens have been part of Japanese garden culture for hundreds of years and have religious symbolism too.

Japanese monks were the first designers and creators of Zen garden encompassing Buddhist beliefs and the creating of an area of calm and peace where they could watch and contemplate. Kyoto in Japan is the spiritual home of Japanese Zen gardens and on visiting this extraordinary place you would discover many modern and ancient Zen gardens.

A Zen garden ( also know as a Japanese rock garden) is carefully designed and usually has the same ingredients which are predominantly sand, stones and rocks. Sand can also be replaced by gravel and you may have seen pictures or visited a Zen garden and seen the raked swirls that depict bodies of water.

Zen gardening has many strict rules but it is the simplicity of these gardens that attracts people in the 21st century. They can be calming after a stressful day, come in many shapes and sizes and do not have to take up large areas of space.

Japanese Zen gardens are the modern fashionable face of Japanese gardens and over 100,000 people Worldwide each month type into the Google search engine ‘What is a Zen garden’ – this video will provide you with a lot of interesting information and hopefully the answer to that question.If you would like to know more about Japanese rock gardens or Zen gardens please subscribe to our channel for future videos.
#zen garden #japanesegarden #japanesegardendesign


  1. can you recommend a book/videoclip on the following: the placement/arrangement/orientation of rocks
    in japanese gardens? i need to get a grasp of not so much the how, but more the Why of rock placement;
    where would the first rock be placed & why…how would other stones be oriented in relation to it and why…
    how groups related to other groups, the perimeter, the wider land contours and compass directions…………
    basically, everything about the placement of rocks in japanese gardens and why they arrange them in that particular way rather than any other way.
    lastly, how much of a part does intuition play in the choice of, and placement of rocks?

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