Backyard Garden

Yummy fruits at my backyard garden – Village food

In this video, I want to show you my gardening and having some fruits with my daughters at my backyard garden. These fruits are really tasty as you can see my little daughters enjoyed them. It also shows you about my life as the villager in the countryside of Cambodia.

You will see more of my life related to growing crops and cooking my village food if you subscribe my channel.

* The fruits are Longan, black plum, ang mango
* The ingredients of chili salt for mango are:
– salt
– seasoning
– sugar
– chili
– dried shrimps



  1. I wish people of struggling countries like the Philippines where children suffer from hunger , malnutrition , food insecurity would take just a few minutes to plant edibles and fruit trees, vegetables . Show their children how to forage , to be self sufficient in feeding themselves when hunger strikes . Like what you are doing . I suffered hunger and malnutrition as a child , my mother' s hobby was opening her legs and bearing lots of children whom she's lazy to feed , nor does she work the fertile surrounding land. My siblings and other kids did roam the land to forage for food but the community was generally lazy to plant gardens of edibles or vegetables. The result is poor intelligence due to bad nutrition during growth and development years. The Philippines rank deadlast in intelligence among Asian countries not just due to bad education but due to bad nutrition , overpopulation , poverty , indolence , apathy . They just voted the son of a dictator who was a murderer and thief to be President by a landslide which speaks of the lack of intelligence of its populace .Which all goes back to how well nourished were its people.
    When a countrys' people are not hungry , malnourished, well fed there is a good hope for its future. I commend you as a great mother and teacher not just professionally but as a parent.

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