Gardening Supplies

5 Practical Ways to Prepare for 2023

With the issues compounding and the challenges on the horizon, here are easy steps you can apply to your life now to ensure you are prepared for what’s coming. Download the Start Preparing! Survival Guide here: – start your preparedness journey:

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  1. Considering stored preps, what happens to them if the storage area loses heat for a prolonged period and they freeze solid , are canned/bottled goods still usable after they thaw (you can tell the can has swollen and the liquid inside is frozen solid.) would it be better to keep them frozen solid (in a freezer) and use them up as fast as you can replacing them with fresher room temp stock.? I sort of see this situation with canned goods being placed in food give away boxes for the less fortunate in northern MI. They sit for a few days in sub freezing temps and solidify. I'm guessing if they are used just as they thaw they'd be fine, but what happens if for some reason the can goes through a few freeze thaw cycles in the box before being taken by someone thinking that can has an expriation date of 2024/5 placed in a pantry for later use and it's unknowingly been frozen and thawed during storage and is now thawed for a year on a shelf.?

  2. A piecemeal, low cost solution for water storage is to 'recycle' 2 liter soda and juice bottles and the milk cartons with the screw on caps. These are 'food grade' containers and after a good washing out, I believe, will be sufficient for storing water for a couple years. If you have kids you're buying juice and milk for already, you'll have an endless supply of containers that you were formally throwing out.

  3. Great info as always thank you! For the first time last week my husband and I saw a empty shelves in the grocery stores. I knew it would only be a matter of time because I am aware and acknowledge the situation that we are in where he has his head in the sand and will come up with every reason he can to explain what's the actual cause no matter what I tell him he has an answer even when we saw the shelves he had an answer for that too 🤦🏼‍♀️He thinks it's all hype and everything will be fine and if there is an issue we will figure it out like we always do. I've been trying to tell him for years one day his "we will figure it out" is not going to work. Luckily our son is aware and knows we need to prep even if that means hiding it from dad, he has been getting on me about stretching and getting in shape,we look at things together so I make sure I'm getting best quality and not ripped off, we watch your channel and Canadian Prepper and share any information we find with each other. I'm grateful that he is on board because it's easier than trying to figure out everything on my own especially when everyone else thinks I'm crazy 🥰

  4. Problem is not all of us are able to have a 401 k plan, or retirement plan…. some of us are just trying to make it week to week. And with these prices … paycheck is gone before you get it and theres no room to put even 5% back. To those that have these things that's absolutely wonderful but not everyone can do these things

  5. Work on mental preparedness along with your physical preparedness. Being sane and having a good conscious for decision making is important to survival.

  6. I didn't have time to garden last year, so worked on identifying and helping the edible weeds grow. Then I ate them. lol Dandelions and purslane.

  7. I have a leaky faucet I don't have time or money to fix. So rather than waste the water I collect it in a bucket and use the water: I'm filling all my water containers, and filter devices, using it to flush, using it for plants, will use it to fill the tub for bathing, etc. A minor inconvenience but I'm not willing to just waste it down the drain. Until I can fix the leak this is the plan. And a lifestyle adjustment that might be very necessary in a resource scarcity future!

  8. I don't really agree with putting away much emergency cash. Pay off debts, buy hard goods that have high intrinsic value. Rather than quickly depreciating cash, buy discounted hard goods that will retain value but are easily liquid in a cash crisis. Cash lost 30% last year! Keep only enough cash for the immediate term in my view.

  9. I love the idea of being prepared. All advice I have seen on this series is common sense and will prepare the average person for the storms ahead. I agree with everything that has been said. However, what about the people who don't prepare. What happens when they ask for or steal your preparations. The bigger the threat, the more civilisation will break down and rob you of all your hard work. I am not saying to throw your hands up and do nothing, but how do you protect all your hard work? (Please don't say with a gun as that is obvious and not an option)

  10. I usually enjoy your videos and advice, but the steps you advise people to take in this video assumes that they have disposable income to do these things. Some of us have had to cancel insurance cover because we can't afford to pay the increased premiums this year. We NEVER have the luxury of eating at a restaurant. We live cheaply, grow our own food, prep what long term food we can. Do you have any tips for poor people on how to get through 2023?

  11. Zero retirements will survive the Great Reset. Klaus has made that very clear.

  12. My biggest concern is a social credit based digital currency and the track, trace, and database world we live in.

  13. All that had to be said has been said.
    You're really starting to sound like a broken record saying the same thing over and over again.

  14. Thank you for being the voice of logic and calm. The world needs more of this.

  15. I tried growing potatoes indoors, in 10 gallon grow bags with grow lights, using organic potatoes, and after 12 or so weeks, I ended up with a half dozen really tiny potatoes, not sure why I got so few/small potatoes, I'm going to try again in the spring when I can get some seed potatoes

  16. Common sense, resesrch, intelligence is an efficacious Rx in your wheel house..
    Appreciate your blue print for disasters & survival..
    Hey, I want to wish u & Family Happy Holidays & a Happy
    New Year !

  17. Raised Bed to grow your garden, just one advice or unless you have a large yard.
    I have seen alot of raised beds , this is easy and not put the wear and tear on your back ,etc.
    Your Gut is your Second Brain So you have to keep your Brain and Gut Healthy , entire Body* Eat Healthy Foods
    Exercise daily Drink water if you can encourage families, if not , continue doing, what's good for your health .

  18. Pay your debts off , and then follow suit .
    Do what's best for you and your family. Everybody situation differs!!!

  19. Mental health is priority because without a healthy mind a person can't function. There's been shortages of being able to get me tal health Rxs filled. Going from meds to no meds is disastrous for the individual. CVS hasn't been consistent in being able to fill Rx or giving the right # of pills. Costco is better but a person must communicate to the pharmacy techs. Like they say the squeaky wheel gets the grease. IYKYK.

  20. Thank you for your continued calm, practical approach to making preparedness achievable for all. Been watching your channel for several years and have learned so much. My challenge has been successfully growing anything with a small, mostly shady space and lots of rodents. Everything outside must be completely enclosed in hardware cloth (they eat through the chicken wire) to reap any harvest before the rodents get it. My son-in-law 3D printed a hydroponic garden setup and provided the pump, tubing, and all needed supplies for me for Christmas. Can't wait to get started! Already have indoor grow lights.

  21. Thanks for all your support through your videos but I have a problem, I have been making losses trying to make profit trading. I thought trading demo account is just like trading the real market… can anyone help me out or at least advise me on what to do?

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