Gardening Supplies

We Have Big Plans For The Convent

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Music: Lance Conard – Hidden In The Sallows


  1. I cant believe you covered that beautiful stone arch. It would of looked stunning if you had just kept the stone around the window.
    Sorry im a stone and beam person. X

  2. Maybe Amaury could help you out on just the kitchen window. Or your brother, hes getting rather good at carpentry. X

  3. I love the idea of opening up the space by removing the walls. Even if you end up having to install a couple of elegant steel supports it will be great to see the space as it was originally intended. I guess investigating the state of the beam will be the first job you do in there, so we won't have long to wait to find out how you are going to proceed!

    Great suggestion from the comments to get chefs in to suggest possible functional layouts too.

    Personally, I'd get the windows done now. It sounds like one just needs some gentle restoration, so if the others could be made from this original template from oak or similar they will be glorious. I think it will bug you if you don't do them now and it's better to work on structural before decor so you don't damage the decor saving time and money in the long run.

    It's all very exciting!

  4. PG Tips what a project this is going to be fun and interesting !!! I can tell u can’t wait to get started still u have a good team of talented people Happy new year to u and the family . 🙏🏻🙏🏻🎄🌲🎄🌲🎄🌲🎄👏⭐️⭐️☃️☃️

  5. These heat pumps will save you a small fortune in running costs without the greenhouse gas emissions of fossil fuels based systems. If you are really interested in understanding how a heat pump works, try watching the Fully Charged Show's video on the subject.

    Point of practicality: Don't be in (too) much of a hurry to locate (all) of the fridges & freezers in the side room. This kitchen I assume is going to be used at some point for commercial applications – at least some of the time. Having to run in & out of the kitchen to get to the refrigeration equipment will be too time consuming, not to mention exhausting & inefficient.

    No doubt you've got your own ideas about layout but I can't stress it strongly enough that you get a professional chef or catering company's input on how to integrate your ideas with how a professional kitchen works best. It can still look traditional but have that crucial modern practical twist.
    In domestic kitchen design, there's a concept called the Three Step Golden Triangle. Basically you don't have to walk more than 3 steps in either direction between the workbench, fridge/freezer, hob/oven. This may be worth considering as a long session in the kitchen like this prevents you from feeling like it's time turn your toes up & die of exhaustion.

    Induction hobs & even an induction wok hob will save on tedious (& expensive) natural gas pipe installation plus be more eco friendly & energy efficient. Plus it won't come with the yearly expense & inconvenience of safety inspections or, perhaps since this is an ancient building, gas bottle deliveries.

  6. Billy & Crew…how exciting to hear the plans you have made for the kitchen! I read quite a few of the comments and there are loads of suggestions.😳. I am sure you have planned each stage will take the advice of a few. Looking forward to the “bare bones” if the kitchen and maybe you find some exciting secrets? Sean us such a dear, which I am sure you appreciate him and his work. Until next update…….

  7. I can't wait to see what's underneath the old plasters, and also how it all looks when those walls are gone. I hope you won't have to replace that beam, because if you do have to replace it, I think steel will be cheaper, but very much not nice. Wood is insanely pricey right now.
    I bet when all of the "wrong" is taken away, it will feel like you need to light a real fire in the really big REAL fire place 😉 No aga 😁 well, okay, yes to aga.

  8. The cupboards, it's blatantly obvious, which is original and which isn't. The original to me looks a lot nicer.

  9. There’s so many fabulous rooms. I’d have to come up with a system of ,”To to list taped on each door.” I love all the videos. Thank you for restoring the history and beauty of your buildings.

  10. I would take down the ceilings before you take the walls down, you can contain the muck better that way.

  11. Would you consider designing a commercial kitchen that could also be rented? In that case, would be good to consult a professional to advise on design…

  12. Thanks for the updates Billy. The Kitchen Renovation is going to be really exciting.Good Luck with the planning and installations 👍.

  13. The kitchen sounds amazing! Perhaps it could be rented out to local chefs for cooking classes! And you could rent the rooms out for cooking and wine weekends! I would so come to that!

  14. Billy, your plan for the convent is amazing, but a word of caution….if you want to use that space commercially, do you need to use stainless steel? Code here in the states is when using a kitchen for commercial purposes requires it to be stainless steel

  15. Just wondering how you will heat the huge kitchen you are going to end up with? You mentioned you'd like to use it as a cooking school etc., but it's going to have to be warm enough to be comfortable for people to work in. Hope you have thought it all out, before spending the money and time to do the work you've planned.

  16. We have split units (a different brand)in two of rooms in our home. They're located in our laundry and mudroom and two in our sunroom. They really make a difference.

  17. When done restoring.. What on Earth will this building be used for??? … it won't be possible to find enough virgins to occupy it, so that isn't an option again. /s

  18. I can recommend the LG Air con units. I added 1 and will add more. I love the picture frame design so I'm going to look into those!

  19. What safe guards will be put in place to make sure no one falls from the chapel window 🪟?
    Children in particular.

  20. so enjoy watching the films, learning what you are going to be doing in the coming year is exciting! Best wishes from Lincolnshire

  21. That's quite inspiring – to watch new light and life on its journey along that stretch of the convent as you work through each of the rooms. I'm looking forward to that now,

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