Garden Plans

Sunshine Stitchers – Flosstube 216: Shelia's WIPs & 2023 Plans

Follow us on Instagram:
EJ – EJ_Creates
Shelia – Symcats

Sunshine Stitchers,
#CrossStitch #Flosstube #sunshinestitchers

Sunshine Stitchers Facebook Group:

Our LNS is the Cross Stitch Cupboard: 954-563-8900,

#GaronDesignerFocus December 2022:
Teresa Kogut: @TeresaKogutsCreativeWhims
CZook Stitch: @czookstitch488
The 614 Stitcher: @the614stitcher

Works by ABC: B Hollander 1845

Hands On Design, Ink Circles, Summer House Stitche Workes: Needles Dance
Jardin Prive: ABC de la Brodeuse
Primitive Hare: Cross Stitcher from Hare’s Spring booklet
Sassafras Samplers: Rosa Parks (Freebie)

2022 Stitch-Alongs (SALs):

Monthly Clubs:
Colour & Cotton Fabric of the Month:
Silks4U: Silk of the Month Club and Colour of the Month Club –
Under the Sea Fabrics:


  1. Yay! Shelia goes WIPGO! She's gonna love it!. Ladies, I wish you Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Stitching. 🥰🥰🥰 Miriam

  2. 😂Oh My Goodness! “Floss who……” 😂 😂😂😂 you had me rolling! Stay warm- it cold here in Palm Coast too🥶 merry Christmas

  3. Wonderful WIP parade. Love the long videos they keep me company while in the kitchen. Happy Holudays to you ladies.

  4. Love you two. I have to say if you are in a funk or feeling down, Just listen to these two. You will be laughing in no time. You two lift my spirits. 😂❤

  5. Oh EJ not Screwball! I had a huge one once over ice and that’s the worst sick I’ve ever been! Aughhhh girl no!!!! Glad you had fun though! Nice to see you both as always and love your stitching! Minnie was a doll! Happy she was with you last time! I hope we get to see her again! Blessings for the New Year ladies❤

  6. You two are a hoot! Floss whore!! OMG!! Too funny! Thanks for sharing all your stitching with us! Where can I find a set of Cosmo floss? I used it for a project & really love stitching with it.

  7. There is no way I could watch the two of you in "chunks"! Once I sit down with my stitching, bam, I'm with you to the end! This video was fantastic and I laugh, I take notes, I go on '1, 2, 3 Stitch" and buy, and I stitch! Sheilia, you have me hooked on Rosewood Manor, thank you. Also, I was born in Worcester, MA and grew up in Webster, just south of Worcester. Now, I really think we're friends with that connection. EJ, the students with whom you work must just love you. I can't wait until your next video. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and I wish you a Happy New Year. If I may, I want to share one more item……my father is going to be 106 on January 14th. He lives in his own home, does his own cooking, and does his laundry, which is downstairs. I am praying that I have inherited his genes so I can finish at least half of the stitching you two have inspired me to do. God bless you both. Happy New Year.

  8. Shelia, all of your wips are beautiful. You have sparked a flame in me to try more than 3 projects at a time. When I switch from one to another I have this weird feeling that I’m cheating on cross stitch for another, look I know that sounds crazy as hell. Like you, I have to detach myself from one piece because I might forget how many strands of floss I’ve used, or pulling out all the things per project. I don’t know, there are so many things I want to stitch I’ve gotta figure it out. 😂 EJ , I’m glad you made it to make another video after a night of drinking, clearly you had a great time. You ladies are lovely and enjoyed spending the evening with you both. Sending hugs and well wishes, Merry Christmas!

  9. Merry Christmas! It's been cold in South Dakota too, snow and wind last week creating -45 below windchill. Your 50 degree temps is no coat weather here.

  10. I totally enjoyed watching. I did watch in 3 stages. Shelia – you have a lot of gorgeous WIPs to one day finish. So much stitching ahead of you. Most satisfying was hearing the crinkling of the plastic bags – LOL!!! Have fun with WIPGO!!

  11. "I'm a floss whore"
    And this is why I want to be like Shelia when I grow up, as the saying goes.

    Every time I see that blue footed booby project, I want to stitch it. (I don't really have much of a stitchy bug these days, but still.) I have those flamingo ones, I did start them on a band, so they'd be like a bell pull. Seeing them in your plans reminds me about mine.
    This was a nice video for Christmas weekend and EJ's will be good for next week 🙂

  12. It is Boxing Day here in the UK and you ladies have kept me company while I do all my prep for dinner x There are 11 f us today x Hope you have had a wonderful and fun holiday x

  13. Thank you both for Sharing!!!🤗 Such a pleasure as always!!! I wholeheartedly appreciate your entire contribution!! Looking forward to seeing your progress in 2023!! Happy Stitching 💖!!! And, Happy New Year 🎉!!!

  14. I love, love, loved this parade. I had to rewind several times because I was starting my Christmas new start and couldn’t keep up with your wips. Shelia I started Goldie last week and she is going to be a beauty especially her eyes. Great job you two. Happy holidays.

  15. Wow, I'm overwhelmed what a great bunch of beautiful pieces. How do uou ever choose? It will be fun to watch your progress in 2023. Happy to see you jump on the WIPGO train. I know it has really helped me stay motivated. I am going to ATTEMPT 2 boards in 2023 one for like 8 large pieces I want to finish or make good progress on and a 2nd board that will be smalls/meds I want to start and I will set it up as themes rather than projects. Themes like Winter/Christmas, Patriotic, Spring/Easter etc. When those #s are called I will choose a project from that theme. I think that will allow more flexibility for some of the NS's I want to do. Will see how it goes. 2023 is going to be a great stitching year

  16. Hi Ladies,
    Love all the laughter.!! You guys are just too funny!!! Shelia loved your WIP's and have enjoyed seeing your progress. Hang in there you are doing a great job. God bless you with all those WIPS…..😊😊😊😊😊😊Not sure I would be able to have that many. I'm so glad you are enjoying all your stitching. Be blessed and take care. Alberta from Southern, MD…..☃☃☃ P.S. It is really COLD here in MD.

  17. Thank you so much for sharing your time with us. Shelia you have so many great wips, so glad you could match your missing pattern. Have a wonderful Christmas love and blessings xx

  18. Fantastic video, ladies! I enjoyed every minute.
    Shelia – You cracked me up about your self-proclaimed floss "ho"-ness. If we are self-proclaiming, then I hereby claim that I am the fabric "ho" and the scissor "ho", as discussed in last week's comment. I have a fabric walk-in closet. Seriously. 😊
    EJ – Didn't hear a thing…..but apparently, I am going to have to send more survivor food (aka PB M&Ms)!!
    Happy New Year to both of you! Many hugs!

  19. I enjoyed seeing all your wips and hearing all about your upcoming stitching plans, Shelia. Thank you so much for all the work you did preparing for your amazing wip parade. You have such beautiful projects and it was such a pleasure to see them.

  20. Thank you both for such an epic video. I admit to watching over two days and had so much fun looking at everything with you both. Such a lot of work you have put in so thank you. I will look forward to seeing them. next year with this years photo. What a great idea. A good pick. me up video should anyone need one.
    Happy New Year to you both for 2023 looking forward to joining you both. With the very best of wishes from the UK 🙂

  21. Wow is all that I can say! You clearly love Quaker designs! It’s going to be fun to see your projects progress this coming year! Happy New Year 2023 to you both! Here’s to more stitching fun in 2023!

  22. I really enjoyed your WIP parade and plans! You have provided so many ideas and so much inspiration for me. Thank you for sharing!!!

  23. Question, the picture behind you with the folks rowing in the boats is that a cross stitch? If so name and designer please?

  24. Woo, finally caught up on the last three weeks! This WIP parade was SO dangerous for me… it was more of a "lemme just move that to my wishlist!" 😂 Have a happy new year, you two!!

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