Garden Plans

2023 Garden Resolutions | Small Gains, Big Results

With 2022 coming to a rapid close, we’re just like everyone else thinking what we want 2023 to look like. Many people (like us) always have good intentions going in but of course, life happens. We’re focusing on our gardens and of course, the company as a whole. Small gains equal big results! What’s your 2023 resolutions? Have a safe and blessed New Year! Let’s Grow Together!


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  1. Do y'all offer plant stakes that will last a whole crop cycle? Sharpie pens on tongue depressors are ok for seed starting in trays but they fade out in a month in the garden. Also, dixie cups cut and sharpie ink don't last. I bought some aluminum craft tags you can write on that stamps the name but as a row marker they don't last. They get crinkled where you can"t read them. The little tags y'all send in some seed packs look like they will last but whoever put the tag in the pack needs to pay more attention to what pack they are thrown in. I got some tags that said red cabage but the pack said collards.

  2. The Grinch is behind Greg in the Merry Christmas pot. I plan on growing at least 12 tomato plants this spring.

  3. My goal for 2023 is to find a squash that the vine boar will not kill before I get a squash and to kill the Root Knot nematodes. the Grinch is hiding in the bucket with Merry Christmas on it. As for tomatoes this coming spring I will be growing around 45 the same as last year.

  4. Hey y’all, Grinch in Merry Christmas bucket behind Hoss, I plan on planting 12 or more tomatoes in 2023. Great show.

  5. I'm so looking forward to seeing your new potage garden. We just started ripping out our in ground pool, so now I'm going to have this big space to start over.

  6. Happy New Year…Grinch should be in the planter. I might plant ten or less tomato plants. Don’t have time do to work.

  7. I plan on moving my garden and it will be 3 times bigger.
    I will be planting 20 tomato plants.
    And the grinch is in the bucket on the second shelf

  8. Grinch is in the pot on the top shelf behind Greg. I plan on growing about 8 different tomato varieties.

  9. I'm going to plant 20 tomato plants 10 varieties🍅I don't have my glasses, but I think the Grinch is in Merry Christmas bucket behind Hoss😁Happy New Year!!!

  10. I hope you have a great New Year!!! We have ordered some of our potatoes and will order the rest asap. The freeze here in Houston just took out a lot of our garden even though we covered evrything! I see the Grinch in the Merry Christmas lot on the 2nd shelf. Just a note…We now go by Backyard Cardinals had been known as Terry Barnett.

  11. That Ole Grinch is in little container behind Hoss. I want to plant at least 20 tomato plants, with several in partial shade to protect them somewhat from the scorching hot sun. Some will definitely be Hossinators, and most will be determinates.

  12. Enjoy the fishing wishing you a great catch….
    Woke up, the Grinch is in the Merry Christmas container above Greg’s Head.
    12 tomato plants for spring 😊

  13. I am planning on growing 16 Amelia tomatoes and 8 paste tomatoes tbd as well as a couple cherry tomatoes. Looking forward to seeing the new irrigation products. After one year gardening and spending hours watering every week by hand, it’s time to install irrigation.

  14. Grinch is above Hoss head in pail. New years resolution to plan out my seed starting and garden planting better this year. And to have about 20 to 30 tomatoes going.

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