
December garden tour – expert winter gardening tips

An easy way to make your winter garden look smart, plus time for a clear-up.

For garden ideas, gardening tips and inspiration for your garden, subscribe to the Middlesized Garden YouTube channel here:

The Middlesized Garden uploads on Saturdays with visits to private gardens and interviews with expert gardeners. If your garden is smaller than an acre, join us and enjoy your garden even more!

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For small and middlesized backyards and gardens….
See The Middlesized Garden blog:

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  1. Very much enjoyed this video. Your garden looks very nice for this time of year. Agree with you not putting down plastic/carpet. Merry Christmas and look forward to your videos in 2019.

  2. Great video, packed with useful information. Your very neat, calming and well-structured garden is beautifully on show for the winter! It is full of potential for spring, which really starts tomorrow for you, as once the days start getting longer, the plants begin waking. 🙂 For you, it is happily all uphill. For we here in Australia, it is all downhill, as many of the plants are now sprawling rather than "billowing", and I even cut some back today (eg Geranium "Mavis Simpson", Geranium "Rozanne"). The summer flowers and foliage are as full and golden as they can get, and there is only one way from here. Am I a pessimist, or what? 🙂 Ok I will enjoy the rest of the long summer days, even as they shorten day by day! Yesterday it got dark so late that the snails gave up waiting for dark and came out at 9pm anyway, in the early evening light! I allowed them to go on their merry way. They looked most perturbed to see me appear in the fading light – at their evening feed time!

    Now regarding leaving the leaves in a bag, and why they don't decay there: you have to add a little water to the bag and throw the bag around from time to time, according to BBC gardening experts. However I prefer, like you, to leave the winter leaves where they fall. Apparently there can be butterfly eggs laid in them and the resulting caterpillars can hatch into butterflies from the safety of underneath the leaves. If you compost the leaves, there is no possibility of butterflies.

    Finally, Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

  3. Always interesting, thanks.
    I like the idea of raking the fallen leaves directly into the borders and let them decompose there. I do more or less the same; much less work and more natural process.

  4. Very helpful tips, thank you. I'm also trying to get on top of the dreaded wood sorrel that's infesting my borders and lawn. Grrrr!!! Enjoy your Christmas break and I look forward to more videos next year 🙂

  5. Alexandra, always a pleasure to see your garden – I think the winter interest in yours is great! Thank you for all the tips and Happy Holidays 🙂

  6. Yeah weeds love hiding in amongst iris. I’m sure you’ll find it easier to keep on top of the weeds with half the amount of iris. Look forward to hearing about how this strategy goes !

  7. I really love these videos even though am clearly not the target audience. (I have 2 hillside acres in Pennsylvania). But Alexandra's advice is excellent and there are always takeaways for me, too. And I really appreciate a gardening video at this time of year. I am in such withdrawal. I can enjoy winter but my heart is hanging on for Spring….. Maybe this year will be the year I do everything right in the garden,…..

  8. Very good tips!!! Your grass is beautiful! Ours has been washed out from when we had a hurricane this past summer leaving such a muddy area. It’s trying to come back hopefully it will. Your garden is looking beautiful as always! Thank you for such a wonderful video. 💚💚💚💚💚💚

  9. Thank you for winter gardening tips and ideas. I have left my long border of annual seed heads despite comments of messiness, I appreciate the reassurance they are good for wildlife. Any wildlife friendly alternatives to lawns that both my dog and I can enjoy? I look forward to your blog/video every week, thank you.

  10. You can have your dry leaves in a black bin bag or compost bin with bit of water and few small drain holes you will get good leaf mulch. Within 6 to 8 month

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