Japanese Garden

Eating at a Unique Japanese BBQ Restaurant

Eating at a traditional restaurant in Japan that serves food in a very unique way



  1. As a people that quite often traveling to japan, i never knew this restaurant was exist.. its soo cool!!

  2. Me, as a human,wanted to go to this place cuz it looks like Korean BBQ game, while I played Korean BBQ, my tummy was staaaarving! 🙈

  3. when you maintian this much decent cleanliness in your outside world it means you are that type of race group clean inside also. sure all sorts of other manipulations of life takes place in human lives and all because of faulty financial monetry systems set not willing to change… but truth is your outer world and inner world somewhere reflect who you are…the very anger point of mine with inda and rest of asia.. i know they are good people but post senior Mrs. Gandhi it went into'yadav' syndrom hands, the outer world gone to rot sewer rats , we grew up in Indira Gandhi's time and believe me,it was good, progressing on right path.

  4. with all the scenery, all the food and the drinks – THAT price is really affordable by Japan-standards. Nice one

  5. Please dont ever stop filming even when you People turn 80. 😁. Love all youre vids 🙂😘. Greetings from the netherlands ❤️

  6. 2:46 Wow! 🤩 this is the first time I have seen food served with water streem , damn i love internet😁

  7. 素晴らしく田舎らしい情調が有る珍しい設備のレストラン。An unusually appointed restaurant with a wonderful country mood.

  8. This looks wonderful! I need to know, anyone have any idea what elevation it is? Thank you in advance ☺️☮️

  9. The place looks majestic in good weather, but i fear for when the rains come. The water garden was a thing of beauty, what if someone further up just decided to grab your meals? There is nothing stopping them. I actually would not go to eat there simply because there is to much preparation and cooking the food all time consuming.

  10. The outside is so cool it seems like such a shame to be eating in that little box

  11. Your tips are so genuine. I feel like talking to a friend who went and is telling me what not to do and do. Like they actually care about me. lol

  12. To see this for real is really fascinating. I only watched it in one of Detective Conan episodes 😂

  13. I would have dined with the door to the serving pond open! I absolutely love the sound of running water! ❤

  14. I’m always amazed at how quiet you are. I would be silent squealing at the food and the way they delivery the food.

  15. The restaurant was nice, it reminds me with the restaurant from Detective Conan. Would like to go there when I visit Japan 😊

  16. What a beautiful place! And all the food looked so tasty… I live in Arizona, in the U.S.A., and we have a large Japanese population in my city and a lot of restaurants, including one very nice hotpot restaurant; but it's not nearly as lovely as that one. Thank you!

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