Japanese Garden

What to do with your Christmas tree? Convert into a bonsai!

Can you turn a Christmas tree into a bonsai?

When it comes to Christmas there are many things to like. One of them is the Christmas trees. Once Christmas shopping is done, these small trees are often sold for very small prices allowing bonsai artists to get their hands on material cheaply.

In this video I do a first styling, step by step, of 2 Christmas trees. One tree to a cascade, and one tree to a formal upright bonsai.

Ikea christmas tree hack! https://youtu.be/zgIp529Qvyk

I invite everyone who creates a bonsai from a Christmas tree to share the link of their video in the comments so I can add it to the playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLci6b9GxmP3XyRd0xAx4A_P8ZwybnLK_j .

@BlueJayBonsai and @greenmachinesweden , note the special request on your doorstep!?

Music: Willow and the Light-by-Kevin-Macleod
license: (CC BY 4.0) Kevin MacLeod
Artist link: https://incompetech.com/

A Christmas Hero by Michael Ramir C.


  1. Great job Jelle! My outdoor trees are frozen to the ground and covered under 2 feet of snow. I will have to stick to tropical work until the spring! 🐦💙

  2. Sorry I couldn't bump up your premiere numbers this morning, but terrific video as usual! I hope you had a good Christmas; I remember you saying you didn't like eggnog, so I drank your portion yesterday after mine. And then some.

  3. Sehr gutes Video, lieber Jelle.
    Jedes Jahr etwa Mitte Januar gehe ich auf unseren Friedhof. Dort stehen neben den Bioabfallbehälter immer entsorgte mini Weihnachtsbäume zum Teil noch mit Lichterketten. Ich sammel die Tannen alle ein und entwickle sie für ein Bonsai-Tannen-Wald.
    Liebe Grüße und frohes Weihnachtsfest!

  4. Thanks for the shout out Jelle. Great vid! I liked the small one best, looking very interesting. Looking forward to see where you can take it given time. I will not get myself another christmas tree project. But I will need to do something with the one I made 5 years ago. Hope that qualifies. The vid is planned and I promise to include telling just why I will not get any more. 🙂👍

  5. Hi Jelle, nice trees. 👍 I couldn’t have wait until Christmas to give my tree a little make-over… 😅🙋‍♀️

  6. Top vid again 🙂
    Question… If you look at the natural growing habit of picea, when you wire down the branches, the bottom of the needles are now facing up and the top of the needles are facing down. Did you ever had an issue with this?

  7. Merry Christmas Jelle. Also i've done a couple, the first two years ago and the second last year. Uno formal upright and the second short and slanting. I always love watch your works!

  8. Noice! I need more practice with selecting and wiring branches. I have trouble with these types of trees. Looks really good! Thats why you’re a master! Merry Christmas!

  9. Merry Christmas Jelle! I started my first Bonsai 3 days ago and it´s also a 'Christmas tree'. Uploaded the video on my Youtube for your Playlist 🙂

  10. Creating bonsai is an art. Teaching is also an art. Jelle, you have a knack for both. Thank you for making these videos!

  11. Merry Christmas Jelle I have never bonsai before and thought the price is right for a small 1 gallon blue spruce, When is the best time to trim, and wire a christmas tree? I thought I had to wait until early spring to do any of that. I'm sure climate matters and Southern California does not get to cold but it does freeze here (30F/0C) so I thought i should wait. After doing any work to the tree do you shelter it? Great work very inspiring, I want to get started but don't want to kill the tree by stressing it out.

  12. Don't we all have at least one of these? I got several and actually got one for free at my grocery store this year. It makes beautiful bonsai. Love what you did to that little one.

  13. I had a few for a few years, but it’s too hot at my location. They died once we hit 107F.

  14. Nice work on the video and nice instructions and insights into the how and why of the design. I think this is great, definitely a good way for newbies to try things with pruning and shaping and not have to worry much about the cost of the material if things go wrong.

  15. Great video as always Jelle. I hope you had a lovely Christmas and all the best for 2023. Fingers crossed for lots of bonsai videos too by the way!

  16. Happy New Year Jelle! I purchased couples of conifers particularly for this purpose from the Christmas sale and right after that you published this video. How nice. 😀 However, Picea glauca is a very common potted winter plantation tree here in Finland and some Cypresses and Junipers as well. Just recently, it has become more and more popular to buy some traditional Christmas tree species alive (not like cut ones) as a potted state too. Picea abies and P. omorica are the cold hardiest of all and would like to try bonsai with them. Therefore I now managed to get couples of Picea omoricas (we also have P. abies on sale but I just don't have enough space for them right now) relatively cheap on after christmas sale and planning to make some out of them. The challenge is still to get them alive through the winter though. Here in Finland you have to wait until the spring in order to do anything with the plants since it is so cold outdoors and plants there will be dormant and frozen completely until April. Moreover, the temperatures at indoors are too high for overwintering anything temperate species there either. Unless you have a storage, chellar or winterhouse with some back up heating keeping temperatures just above the freezing, you just have to pause pretty much everything for the winter regarding the horticultural activities. For many months! Nevertheless, I'll get back to this topic if and when I going to get these trees to the spring alive and have any chance to work with them. Wish me luck – there are still so many hard months to go until a safe zone…

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