Japanese Garden

A Crafty Year Wrap Up // How to Make Temari

I took the whole year and made 10 different temari to hang them on my Christmas tree. Follow me along this journey and find out how temari are made.

Here is the link to the subscription box (Japanese only!):


00:00 Intro
01:24 January and February Temari
05:18 Unboxing of a Temari Set
07:06 How to Make the Base of a Temari
14:30 How to Set the Guidelines on a Temari
19:39 March Temari
22:15 April and May Temari
26:40 June Temari
28:56 July and August Temari
33:02 How to Embroider a Temari
42:46 September Temari
45:38 October Temari and Year-End-Update

Thank you so much for watching!!

Meet me on Patreon in an online kimono workshop twice a month!

You want to book an online kimono lesson with me? Find out more here.
→ https://www.billymatsunaga.com ←

@biriinyan (https://www.instagram.com/biriinyan/?…)

“Dreams” from bensound.com
“Kimono Life” by Sondey

Intro Soundeffect:
Kabuki Shout ち音楽堂 (http://www.c-ongaku.com/ongaku2.html)


  1. Thank you my dearest Billy😘😘😘 they are all so cute! What a great idea to put them in your Christmas tree 🎄 I wish you and your hubby and of course Franzl a wonderful new year. Can't wait to continue our kimono journey in 2023🥰🥰🥰 See you soon😘♥️

  2. Happy New Year, Billy!✨ This is brilliant! I was actually thinking of making Christmas decorations during the year so they are ready once Christmas comes! I will have to do that now next year🤭😊✨ The geometrics of Tamari reminds me of traditional Latvian puzuri.
    I wish all your dreams for 2023 to come true!
    As always, 🙏 thank you for making this video!
    And looking back at the year… very different as imagined, but I'm übergrateful for all the good and also not so good things🙏

  3. Happy New Year Billy! Thanks for all of this year's videos. I wish you and to all your loved ones Health, Love, Happiness and Success, in all you projects. See you next year 🥰💕✨✨✨

  4. The kimono you're wearing for the March temari box at 20.16, is it quilted? It looks like satin finish cotton that's either been quilted or heat pressed or woven in a specific way, or maybe that's just an illusion of the video.Also, you look fantastic in it, not many people can wear such a colour, you are one of the rare exceptions.
    You talk about travelling a lot for your business and how tiring that is. I totally hear that! And it is difficult to find your downtime, and like you, literally every single one of my 'business trips' were on weekends, all 17 of them around the UK, 4 were 4 day events and I drove myself and my stock to 15 of them. Not only that, I make every single thing I sell on these trips, so yes. I hear you, it's exhausting, it wears you down, but when you are fronting the public, you MUST be SWITCHED ON, you MUST be your best self. So when you get home and you know you have to get on with stuff, prepping for the next commitment, but all you want to do is curl up in a little ball and say go away, I can't even right now, because of all the intense social interaction which is the exclamation point to the intense build up before the event…… Ummmmm. yeah, I totally relate to how you feel. I've ended up taking a full month out from necessity because my ADHD brain kept shying away from anything 'work' related.
    Those Temari are 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 thankyou so much for sharing your making journey with us. Have a fantastic New Year

  5. Werde definitiv versuchen, ein Temari zu machen. Danke für dieses wundervolle Video!
    Frohes neues Jahr!!! 🥳🥂🍾

  6. They are so pretty!!! 😍 Thank you for taking all this time to show us at the end of the year. And they have little bells in them too! I would very much like to make one. Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year 🎉

  7. Happy New Year! I think this was a wonderful idea for a year end video and I was ok with it being long because I got to work on my own crafts while listening and watching. See you next year

  8. Thank you for this video. I have been planning to try making temari for years and even gathered some materials, but never gotten to the part where I actually start the project. Maybe this year will finally be the year it happens 😉

    Please take care of yourself. Even doing things you sincerely love can lead to a burnout if you never get to rest enough.

    Have a very happy and prosperous year 2023!

  9. Temari as Christmas ornaments is genius!! I love little crafting projects, but the minimalist in me is always struggling with how display or use the end products. This is such a brilliant way to scratch the crafting itch and then have a functional, decorative item. Happy New Year!!

  10. Billy I am so disappointed in you! Why are you calling yourself self-centered?! Yes, you never say more than you need to to let us know you are aware of world events, which is wonderful because it makes your cheerful videos a momentary escape from the worries we all have. Sharing events from your life is not self centered, it doesn't make you selfish. your sweet personality comes through and makes your videos such a relief sometimes. The world is in a grim time and we all need that escape.

    I love seeing how the Temari are made! you inspired me to hand sew a kimono, and now it looks like you are going to inspire me to try these as well!

  11. Love all the Temari designs and have often wondered how they are made. They are so beautiful on the tree. 🎄At about 49:40 (October) you are wearing an apron covering… what is that called? My grandmother gifted me one a long time ago. I have been looking for a pattern or even where I can purchase one with no luck. Would you have any suggestions?? Thank you and Happy New Year!! I enjoyed learning about kimono thru your videos. 🥂 🎉

  12. I love those temari. I have made temari before, using hollowed-out Styrofoam balls as the cores, which was incredibly cheatsy. I would love to try some other methods for making cores. I fee like using the cotton batting and thread to make the core round enough is a lot easier than making a core squishy using yarn over a Styrofoam ball.

  13. I put my temari on my tree too. I honestly like them more than glass ornaments. And MUCH more durable. Yours look amazing btw. I think I may have to try that subscription thing.

  14. I really enjoyed this video, so much so that I wish it was Tuesday so that I could go to my library and look for a how to book! I love sewing and especially love learning how to make traditional crafts like these beautiful thread balls. One thing for sure, if I make one a month, I will have a very good reason to put up a tree. Your kimono choices were just so wonderful to see as well! Many thanks for all your videos sharing your knowledge with us! Happy New Year! Aloha

  15. Ich weiß nicht mehr genau wann ich genau auf deinen Kanal gestoßen bin, aber ich war so glücklich darüber. Eine wirkliche Bereicherung! Ich liebe deine Videos! Deine Temari sehen so schön aus! Was für eine tolle Idee für den Weihnachtsbaum!
    Haben Temari „nur“ dekorative Zwecke?
    LG 😊

  16. Happy 2023 Billy! It was great watching you make all these lovely temari. They are perfect as Christmas decorations.

  17. Eine sehr schöne Dekoidee! Würde gut an meinen Baum passen, der sehr bunt geschmückt ist, mit viel afrikanischem Perlenschmuck.. Ich wünsche Dir alles Gute und viel Kraft für 2023! 🙋‍♀️🍀🌠

  18. Temari are beautiful 😍 I need to check my stash, maybe I can try to make one today🪡🧶. Happy new year, Billy, and thank you for your videos 😃

  19. Your temari are lovely! And please know, we all share those thoughts of inadequacy. You always cheer me up when I need it!

  20. I went from "no temari" to "yes temari" in the first 15 minutes of the video. I think I speak for the majority when I say this! You make it seem so accessible, fun and relaxing.
    I share many of your concerns and thoughts regarding work life and impostor syndrome, I think it happens a lot because we always project an image of how we'd like to be from a place of "maybe if I do well enough, there will be a point in which nobody can critisize me". But in reality, we feel like we can never reach that perfect point of being content with ourselves, precisely because we aspire to reach perfection.
    I believe we should strive for progress and not perfection, because perfection does not exist. Even the people we admire and see as "flawless" look at themselves as not good enough! Working towards progress with a sense of purpose and enjoying the small comforts of life is what will get us closer to happiness.

    Happy New Year! 😀

  21. This is crazy, just the other day I was looking for how to make temari and now you make a video about it!😮

  22. i LOVE the idea of a Temari subscription. I made a Temari at the shop calledTemaricious in Tokyo in 2018. We started with rice husk and wrapped in cotton, then wrapped in thread. It was a lovely activity, and I have made some at home since. I love the idea of using quilt wadding at the centre. thanks so much for sharing

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