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Angels of Shin Megami Tensei Explained: SMT Lore

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#AtlasVPN #smt #atlus
0:00 Intro
0:59 Atlas VPN
2:21 Angelic Order
2:24 Seraphim
3:58 Cherubim
6:07 Throne
9:07 Dominion
10:26 Virtue
11:32 Power
13:06 Principality
14:17 Archangel
15:38 Angel
17:18 Metatron
25:30 Mastema
36:08 Archangel Michael
39:39 Archangel Gabriel
44:32 Archangel Raphael
48:50 Archangel Uriel
53:03 Trumpeter
54:30 YHVH
1:00:18 Outro

Angels and heavenly beings all share the same goal of serving God, but the way they go about it varies wildly. Shin Megami Tensei is no different in their unique depictions of these spiritual beings. Some commune directly with humans, some bestow blessings to the worthy, and some still wage an eternal war with the demonic horde. There are nine orders of angels divided into 3 choirs within the layers of heaven, and among them many individuals are worthy of note. Mastema the dark tempter, Metatron the chosen voice of God, and of course the 4 archangels ubiquitous throughout the Abrahamic religions. We’ll dive deep into the lore and history of all the angels, from the simplest of guardian angels, the magnificent voice of God, to the angel that cast down Lucifer and one third of all angels with him. I owe a lot of my success to the Abrahamic religions. It was my passion in researching them as well as the audience’s interest in learning about them that is why I even got where I am today. This every angels of shin megami tensei video was the pretty much the starting point for smt lore aside from the Stephen and the Axiom video and is why I developed the skills of researching, script writing, and video making I have today. You could say it was ordained by YHVH himself for me to make smt lore videos. It also helps that the series of shin megami tensei is so amazing. Including such amazing figures as Metatron, Mastema, and even more heretical inclusions like the Demiurge, and Satanael, lead me to having a passion for digging deeper and I am very happy I could share it with all of you.


  1. i desire you to make videos on all smt deities demons angels gods absolutely all of them, please

  2. Sorry for being late and while I think posted this before, my favorite type of angels are the Powers and Archangels, with my favorite named angel being Michael.

  3. Tony needs to open his own Sunday School. The presentation alone makes learning about these topics really engaging.

  4. As a lover of animals, I find Cherub's initial SMT appearance rather cute, lol.
    I wonder if the octopus on Powers' shield may represent YHVH's status as ruler over the universe or something like that; arms spreading all around? I think it would make sense.
    The strange gear and blindfold on Devil Summoner's and Persona's Angel might be the same kind of symbolism as SMTV's mask; that these angels are really just puppets carrying out YHVH's will loyally.

  5. My favorite non-named angle design is blue haired Dominion, It just looks so beautiful to me and my favorite named angel design is Gabriel because green is my favorite color.

  6. Damn, imagine you're an angel created straight from God at the beginning and then one day God's like "Hey guys, see that human right there?" points to Enoch "Yeah so he's an angel now , his name will be Metatron and from now on whatever he says you must obey as if it came straight from me" lol

  7. Did not expect an hour long Tony4You upload
    And this is perfect, exactly the kinda thing I wanna watch while waiting for a flight

  8. Thank you for another great video. There is just still one thing i am curious about and that is what even is Merkabah of SMT 4 supposed to be becouse thrones are the chariot of god, well kind of… but merkabah also is supposed to be the chariot. Is merkabah a throne or does "it" not exist after all even though some christian and hebrew text still use its name and well some weird esotheric teaching also mention merkabah. Also Merkabah from smt 4A has my favorite design of any Law "angel" up till now.^^

  9. You missed some. Aniel, Kazfiel, Camael, the Muslim angel of death who's name I forgot. Other than that good shit. Also the Hebrew on the Seraph's fans really don't mean anything it's just random letters

  10. I remember the first video of yours i saw when i found about your channel last year.

    It was the nocturne endings video and ever since then you've geniunely been my favorite megaten youtuber.

    Bonus points for being one of the few that give Law its fair share of spotlight and attention

    Keep up the good work man,Kagatsushi bless you OwO

  11. You know someone values his job when he performs the highest of the sins (saying God's holiest name in vain) for the sake of explaining videogame lore

  12. I love your videos, always interesting. I'd love to see you cover Sraosha. One of my favorite law demons. I actually thought he would be in this video but I checked the wiki and apparently they have a different origin.

  13. i rarely ever go law but honestly angels have some of the best designs in the series

  14. This is just angel lore in general and doesn't have much to do with SMT. Granted, SMT usually doesn't expand much on the original lore of these mythological figures, but some Christian mythologies have actually integrated into the story of the games, including the Judeo-Christian God himself. They aren't always shown in a positive light, though still pretty accurate to their original lore.

  15. You was doing all right , tell you mentioned Muhammed .lol 😄. ..Judaism. Malachi is believed to be last prophet of Jewish believe and Muhammad is a fake prophet. . Though they don't believe the fulfilment Christianity attributes of jesus all well. John the Baptist is the last prophet of the Christians , so think him as a fake prophet or an anti-christ . Yet jesus, believed in the Hebrew believes. .. Hinduism have a mixed view. Some think he's a fake. Some see him a military leader, some haven't read or know the two holy books. Some don't know he's battles, some know him as a founder of a new religion and Some think that he's was enlightened person. It's like some Christians saying that jesus is Archangel Michael. . Lol😂.. hasn't the game got Samuel or lilith( though she not a angel but a human who becomes a demon ) . But a good show. Entertaining. 👍😊

  16. On the interpretation of Metatron having a "robotic" role, I feel one reason for his depiction in this series is specifically symbolic of Enoch's transformation. Metatron, (and Sandalphon as well, as mentioned in the video) appears as a robot because he was not "born" an angel, but "made" into one, and is an "artificial" angel as a result.

  17. I would love for historians to figure out what the people who wrote the Bible were on. Clearly this is a powerful substance that I want to try!

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