Japanese Garden

Jack's Hidden Lake Garden Tour: Dave's Bonsai E282

In this episode, I discover I had more footage of my time with Jack Wikle to share. Jack shows me some of the trees and shares a few more stories about these bonsai. Jack also has a calendar he’d love for you all to think about buying to help support the Jack Wikle Bonsai Legacy. That information is in the link below.

Jack Wikle Bonsai Legacy: https://jackwiklebonsailegacy.com/


  1. Fantastic, I enjoyed your interviews with Jack, so I'm really looking forward to watching this later with a nice cup of coffee and a packet of biscuits. Definitely one for the big TV.

  2. These videos are exceptional, so much wisdom and experience to learn from. Purchased a calendar, can’t wait to get it!

  3. I really enjoy this. I particularly enjoyed hearing his ideas about removing the buds on beech early in the spring. Very interesting.

  4. I might have missed it, if he said but do you know if that beech was a American beech? I wouldn't think it would be European beech, he said he collected it, right? If it is American beech, wow it's amazing, I have several American beech and have trouble getting ramification on them. I will have to try this. Thanks for sharing.😄

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