Garden Plans

My 2023 goals and how I plan to achieve them | Financial goals and more

Happy New Year everyone! Today I’m sharing my goals for the year of 2023. Financial goals and beyond.


  1. I also find the $1000 emergency fund not to be sufficient. I think it’s been invented a long time ago as a tool to gain momentum in saving. But now it just won’t suffice.

  2. Great goals! I would like to walk 4 times a week. Incorporate more vegetables into my diet and my long term goal is to lose 45 to 50 pounds I am making some effort in my behavior in my head. That's where it starts. Best to you and your family in 2023!

  3. I enjoyed watching your video! I go to the local library to take out books. It's free! Happy New Year! 🎉

  4. Love your word for the year! And I appreciate your openness in talking about your mental health – you’re doing a great service to the community in doing so. My word is ‘habits’ – creating new healthy ones and getting rid of some unhealthy ones! Healing was my word a few years ago and it did me so much good! Wishing you the best!

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