Container Gardening

Indoor Container Garden 8

The end of my green beans has arrived. Take one last look because after making this video they got all pulled out. Everything is growing pretty well. My peppers are growing very slowly, but they are growing. I tried lettuce again and think the lettuce seed is just bad. My two tomato plants are coming along well, my sweet pepper plants are doing good. My hot pepper plant is strong in the milk jug. I’m probably going to be moving it from the milk jug into the pot the beans are currently in.

Research after making the video taught me that the tomato stems I talked about removing are called suckers. They grow out at a 45 degree angle between a regular branch and the main stem. At 2:48 in the video you can see one starting. If you follow from my hand down that branch to the main stalk, then go to the next branch down (it is the one off to the left), you can see a little leaf starting in the armpit between the main stalk and that branch. That is the start of a sucker. It is just a piece of foliage that doesn’t produce fruit and just uses resources. Supposedly, you are supposed to remove them so the plant doesn’t waste it’s time with them.


  1. Great growth:) I have similar lighting problems- I'm growing on my apartment patio. How did that incandescent light work out for you? I just bought a 150 Watt light, but soon I'll be purchasing a full spectrum *if* the incandescent doesn't work. Thanks!

  2. If you want your beens slim and crisp pick them a little earlier. don't let them get full/lumpy. It allows other flowers to come quicker. keep it up!

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