Gardening Supplies

Construction Update on the Annex | Gardening with Creekside

The construction of our new production annex is moving along quite nicely! I want to give you an update on all of the pieces that have been accomplished and share what is next on the list.

🪴 Companies We Partner With 🪴
Proven Winners
Power Planter Garden Augers & Drills
Felco (Use GWC10 for 10% off your order)
Our Amazon Store (we receive a portion of each purchase you make)

🪴 Products We Use 🪴
Garden Belt
Kinsman Garden Company
Gardener’s Supply Company

🪴 Stay Connected with Gardening with Creekside 🪴

Creekside Nursery
181 Pine Hollow Dr
Dallas, NC, 28034


  1. Looking amazing! So glad you got your supplies del’d and they’re in good condition.
    It may be a bit soon to ask, but what sort of tables/work stations will you put in the Annex?
    Aside from the potting machine that is.
    Hey Brynna good girl! 🐾🐾

  2. No break or rest on Creekside! You done a lot since season closing at nursery but there's still lot to be done and arrival of plugs for new growing season is just around the corner. Hardworking family and crew. I'm no expert by any means, just pure curiosity…will heaters in production greenhouses have enough air circulation now when front of Anex building is just few feets from heater intake

  3. Jennie, you made laugh 😂 with " well that was a short conversation". I love your sense of humor 😉 Looks like everything is coming together! Plants coming and hoping for the machines to arrive soon.

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