Edible Gardening

Indian Cress: Anti-Cancer Edible Weed You're Probably Not Growing

John from http://www.growingyourgreens.com/ shares with you Indian Cress aka Tropaeolum majus aka Garden Nasturtium with Edible flowers, stems, and leaves.

In this episode, you will learn about Indian Cress aka Nasturtium Flower which has many health benefits aside from its edible flower. You will learn how you can eat the leaves of this plant as well as the stems.

You will discover some of the many health benefits of this plant which is loaded with nutrients. Studies show it: May boost bone health, May support immune health. May promote weight loss, May protect against toxins, May promote heart health, May aid diabetes management, and May have anticancer properties due to containing benzyl isothiocyanate (bitc) that are also contained in other brassica family plants.
You will learn the best places in your garden to plant Indian cress and if you can grow them perennially or annually in your USDA climate zone. You will learn how John grows this plant in his desert garden after many years of experimentation.

You will learn about all the different parts of the plant that is edible from the flowers, leaves, and stems, and how they can be consumed.

You will discover why this is one of John’s favorite wild foods.

Jump to the following parts of the Episode:
00:00 Episode Starts
00:30 Grow Indian Cress Native to Central & South America
01:53 Published Research about Indian Cress
03:09 Does this plant provide freezing
4:30 Proven benefits of Indian Cress aka Nasturtium
06:30 These have the same beneficial
07:37 Main Problems You will have with growing nasturtium
08:40 Best place to plant Nasturtium in your garden
10:20 If you plant in Shade this will happen
10:55 Flowers have a lot of zinc; add trace minerals to your soil
11:45 Nasturtium Leaves are more nutritious than flowers
12:50 What do the Nasturtium leaves taste like
13:50 Why Nasturtium leaves are stronger in the summer
14:50 Why it is important to eat different parts of plants
15:38 What the Nasturtium Stems Taste Like
17:00 Best Places to plant Indian Cress & How to Use them
18:00 Recommended Book to eat healthier

After watching this episode, you will learn why you should start to grow the Indian Cress aka Garden Nasturtium and how you can eat all parts of this plant.

Referenced/Related Episodes:
Dr. Joel Fuhrman visits my garden

Dr. Joel Fuhrman Garden Tour

Healthiest Diet with Dr. Joel Fuhrman

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Buy John’s Ebook with Healthy Plant-Based Recipes

Referenced Links:
Garden nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus L.) – a source of mineral elements and bioactive compounds

In Vitro and In Vivo Antitumor Activity of Benzyl Isothiocyanate: A Natural Product from Tropaeolum majus

Bioavailability and metabolism of benzyl glucosinolate in humans consuming Indian cress (Tropaeolum majus L.)

Super Immunity Book


  1. Jump to the following parts of the Episode:
    00:30 Grow Indian Cress Native to Central & South America
    01:53 Published Research about Indian Cress
    03:09 Does this plant provide freezing
    4:30 Proven benefits of Indian Cress aka Nasturtium
    06:30 These have the same beneficial
    07:37 Main Problems You will have with growing nasturtium
    08:40 Best place to plant Nasturtium in your garden
    10:20 If you plant in Shade this will happen
    10:55 Flowers have a lot of zinc; add trace minerals to your soil
    11:45 Nasturtium Leaves are more nutritious than flowers
    12:50 What do the Nasturtium leaves taste like
    13:50 Why Nasturtium leaves are stronger in the summer
    14:50 Why it is important to eat different parts of plants
    15:38 What the Nasturtium Stems Taste Like
    17:00 Best Places to plant Indian Cress & How to Use them
    18:00 Recommended Book to eat healthier

  2. I’m in Indiana with hot humid summers. Now I know why my plants didn’t do as well as I hoped. Now I will try again in part sun/ morning sun. TYFS

  3. I had a garden in BC Canada and a recipe called for capers. Nobody knew or ever heard of these, I grew nasturtiums and pickled the seed which was great. Also can add flowers to a salad and peppery leaves. Just a great plant!

  4. I tried growing watercress and it was a totalfailure. Maybe i’ll try again. Thanks for video

  5. This was the first seed I got to grow when I was 15 and I have enjoyed growing them ever since. I add the leaves and flowers to salads in small amounts and pick a piece or two every time I pass them and nibble.

  6. Excellent. Do you have or know anyone growing neem? Anti cancer aswell. Hard to find in the west. Popular in India from what I know. Thanks!

  7. Nasturtium tends to flower more in bad soil. If the soil has a lot of organic matter and /or well fertilizer you'll not get a lot of blooms.

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