
How I SAVED $240 on my monthly GROCERY BILL (Florida Gardening Tips)

Reducing your grocery bill with your garden was the top pick topic for the month! So in this video whether you are worried about a food shortage in 2022 or just want to deal with inflation… I got you covered on how to make the most with Central Florida Vegetable Gardening.

How to make Rich Soil with Mulch

How to Grow Bananas Playlist

How to Grow Papayas Playlist

How to Grow Sweet Potatoes

How I Grew 500 Pounds

Orange Fertilizer






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  1. I’m in Michigan zone 5b, we are not at the point of harvesting yet. Maybe radishes & some lettuce. Our gardens in the north are just getting ready to produce flowers for growing fruits & vegetables. Thanks for sharing! 👩🏻‍🌾😊🌱 Chris 💖

  2. Saving money is great but saving your sanity is priceless. You can't really put a dollar amount on how much pleasure and healthy outdoor activity that gardening can give, but the very work of gardening is wholesome, rewarding and quite healthy too.

  3. Congratulations on a wonderful harvest! I live in 10B. My everglades tomatoes are in containers and are producing like crazy. I do have to pick them before ripe or else they crack. My bunching onions and Carolina hot peppers are doing well and surprised my cilantro is growing with this heat. My green peppers are struggling but we keep on trying.

  4. If you have a dehydrator, cherry tomatoes are delicious dehydrated. You can also take the dehydrated tomatoes and grind them into a powder which you can reconstitute later into tomato paste (2 parts powder to 1 part water) or add more water and make more of a tomato sauce to add to soups, etc.

  5. I also have put together an Excell spread sheet for management of the entire property's landscape, 2/3rds of it is the vegetable garden. may I send you a copy. Perhaps it will add to your knowledge base.

  6. Thanks for sharing these great tips. I garden in Minnesota 4b were not ready for harvest yet. One plant I'm able to buy in Florida during the winter and Minnesota for summer performs well north or south is Bonnie's Huskies – Cherry Tomatoes super sweet and a huge yield. 🌿

  7. Hey love your videos, I am a local I live in Dunedin Florida and was wondering if you had a local seed source for some of these great Florida native veggies?

  8. Another great video! I am in 9b, Wild Neighbor. But I am keeping all my plants in containers to keep them from HOA, and mysterious critters who like to come through and graze on my landscaping plants.
    My Lowes has some fruiting plants 1 gallon pots for under $15 each; bananas (Grand Nain once, and now Dwarf Cavendish), fig (un-named variety) and Red Lady Papaya.
    I am so envious of your Seminole pumpkin harvests; mine are in containers, and though they flower and one pumpkin DID set, the vines are stressing with the heat and inconsistent rains. So, my harvests so far have been lots of male flowers (delish stir fried lightly) and one green pumpkin. Got seeds from Elise at Urban Harvest (originally from Southern Exposure).
    Everglades tomatoes valiantly keeping on, though I should put it under shade cloth. The best way to "refresh" or start new plants is to root the suckers off these sprawling vines.
    Yay for green onions! I planted the roots from store-bought onions after using the tops, in Feb/Mar around the edges of my tomato containers. Have not bought green onions since, and it is so handy to have to clip as I need. And the shade from the tomatoes keep the onions going, as long as I fertilize enough.
    Wonderful advice about planning ahead for fall and winter. Even the larger seed companies are out of stock on vegetables I was thinking about. It is like no one knows that we Floridians count on our Fall and Winter for our best gardening.
    And, please check your grocery prices. You are going to find crazy increases, especially for organic produce. Sad, but you will appreciate your fab. garden even more! Thanks for all your work and enthusiasm!

  9. Amazing harvest in the heat! I'm across the state from you, also in 10a. My plants (all in grow bags) are struggling but hanging on.
    My tip for preserving cherry tomatoes is to roast them on a cookie sheet & then freeze. Delicious on pasta, bread, whatever!
    Peppers: pickle them. It's really easy.
    How do you eat the Seminole pumpkins?
    Also, do you get pickle worms? They eat all my cucumbers & squash.

  10. Can you and Kevin at Epic Gardening do a combo video? Both of you are so knowledgeable and friendly sounding and in the same zone (i think), it would be awesome!

  11. I absolutely LOVE your channel! I moved to Central Florida from the Midwest a little over a year ago and it has been a huge struggle to learn how to garden down here. I am finally feeling a little better about the challenges of gardening down here. I love that you talk about how many pounds of food you harvest and how much money you save. With record inflation and supply chain problems I think many people are going to find themselves becoming gardeners! So thank you for your channel and keep the videos coming!!!

  12. Super impressive and inspirational ! With daily heat index around 100 F here in South Florida 10a, its brain damage working out there, but so worth it.

  13. You're doing an amazing job with your garden. It gives me hope I'll manage to get a good harvest this year. So far, it's my best year to date in SE FL, zone 10b. My everglades tomatoes and Seminole pumpkins are just starting, planted at the beginning of June. I hope to get some decent harvests from them by the end of July/beginning August. Crossing fingers anyway.

    Have you considered dehydrating some of your harvest? I love canning, but dehydrated tomatoes are the best. You can make a variety of things from tomato powder like ketchup, tomato paste, and tomato sauce. the flavor is so much better than canned from the store. Dehydrated vegetables also takes up less space for those who don't have a lot of room in the pantry for canned foods.

    I also love turning dehydrated vegetables into powder for seasoning as well. This year, I'm hoping to get enough peppers to make my own chili powder and crushed red peppers for a year, two of the seasonings I use the most of in my cooking. It's so nice to also have a variety of dried diced vegetables to throw into soups and casseroles.

  14. Summer is more of fruit tree production season. Mango 🥭 is a great summer crop. Fall/Winter/Spring I get annuals and roots. It seems like summer all I can harvest are perennials and fruit crops.

  15. Looks great! I’m on the 5b/6a cusp. We haven’t started bringing in anything yet but my banana peppers have started already. So fun to see what you’re bringing in!!!!

  16. Thank you for putting out this video. I started putting doing the sweet potatoes cuttings where I struggle with weeds growing. So far it seems to slow down the weeds and to your point, these monsoon rains are making the newly planted sweet potato boniatos thrive

  17. I have had lots of long beans (aka snake or noodle beans). Every time I think they’re done, I get another round. I also have a second round of zucchini producing a few. I so agree with the Everglades tomatoes- they just keep growing! I never got a Seminole pumpkin, so will try again in fall. We have a watermelon or two coming and hopefully a cantaloupe!

  18. I make Cowboy Candy with my Jalapeños!!! It’s so good with cream cheese and crackers. I use the recipe from Acre Homestead on YouTube. Good luck. I love watching a fellow Floridian, I’m in 9a.

  19. Your garden is incredible! My glades maters didn't do very well this year, don't know why. One thing I do know…. unless you want them everywhere, don't put them in your compost! 😮

  20. Live in 9b zone. Tomato are struggling. The white flies are bad. Any tips for that and catapillar eating my plants up. What do you start in July in your garden?

  21. So glad we found your channel, great content! We've been gardening here in 9b for 3 years. Some success but epic fails as well. Going. To try those everglade tomatoes for sure, thanks for the tip. We've had luck with Collards, Okra, long beans , Pigeon peas , sorrel and Peppers. Not so much with brassica's . Cheers happy gardening , Trey & Arlene

  22. I'm having the same problem with my eggplant! I even started trying to hand pollinate, and still nothing. 🙁 If I get a single eggplant this year, I'll feel so accomplished!

  23. Hi fellow Floridian! I’m in south Florida, just north of West Palm. Zone 10b here. We live in a pretty cool microclimate as well. 2 beds built and ready for more. Looking forward to learning from you.

  24. You are so helpful! I am working on bringing my garden from an extremely prolific nest of weeds to a place that nutures all kinds of life and provides food. We are in the same zone, and your practical, "do this now, here's how" advice is so appreciated.

  25. With the jalapenos, can up some cowboy candy!!!! Made it and tried it for the first time, it is a game changer!! I planted my seminole pumpkin and tatumi squash at the same time and it was said that they can grow in crappy soil. With my experience, they are not liking it AT ALL! My two plants are only a foot long and looking like they are on death's doorstep. Should I be planting earlier? Obviously, better soil!! Frustrated with this heat!! Glad you're successful!

  26. I really enjoy your channel. I’ve learned so much from you.

    Question: do you plant seeds by the phases of the moon? I’m considering doing that for my fall planting but wanted to get your opinion about it. Thanks for your response.

  27. I recently found your channel and am really enjoying it! You give great info and Florida specific. Love it! I am zone 9b and am subscribing. Keep it up!!!

  28. Whitwam Organics and Seed the Stars are local FL seed companies that sell Everglades tomatoes 🙂

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