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  1. I appreciate your re addressing this need , It has helped me take care of some holes in my prepping I had over looked.

  2. What a great video. I appreciate the both of you for your humbleness and great character. People need to really heed to this advice….myself included. Thank you and bless you both! ❤

  3. I hope you two don't plan on wearing gas masks. The worst mistake the idiots in Washington ever made was ending the draft in 1975. Except for the ones who volunteered for military service, those who were born after 1960 never learned the skills to do what will be necessary to survive a SHTF situation. Kids today have no clue…I lived in South Africa for 15 years. The kids on the farms there and in Rhodesia could shoot when they were 8-10 years old and learned how to hunt and survive and then did military service. But never fear…most of the male illegal invaders that Diaper Boy Biden has let into the country are of military age and are most likely trained as well. Get ready for what is coming.

  4. When the time comes you’re going to see what humanity really is.And l bet it want be peaches and cream.

  5. SALT is basically a really bad way to presurvey meat. = DRIPPING MUMEFIED
    hard to reclaim without washing out all the salt .
    IF you doubt this , then please use it and see how it works.
    Indians have it down with smoking and drying for long term storage.

  6. When people get hungry, scared and clueless…You will see the most dangerous animal on earth.

  7. More good common sense info Travis,still so many who are clueless to it,& will stay that way till too late🙄🇺🇸

  8. One of your absolute BEST videos do date. Well done Travis and Luke
    Amazing video. Keep em coming. Please

  9. Good info. I grew up in the early 1960s in hill country of Texas. It was normal to have a shotgun or deer rifle in the truck because very often you hunted deer or birds after school. Now even a pen knife gets you in trouble, very sad. Keep up the good info. Thanks.

  10. hi travis and luke 🤗
    great video. practice what you preach covers a lot more than the bible. thanks for the real-world perspective. its not about shtf, its about daily life … like our grandparents lived (noone said "im a prepper"). tfs

  11. At 14 I taught my daughter how to run a backhoe and do basic plumbing, She asked "Dad I'm a girl why do I need to know this?" My answer was so when you need a plumber you'll know if he's cheating you. By the end of that year she could shoot square on a foundation and do basic electricity. My son its like he was born to it. He's a builder / contractor and a real good mechanic, Me I'll jump in a septic tank with a bucket before I'll work on a car. They and my 4 grand daughters were all taught proper firearms handling and operation of a firearm at 6.

  12. Children are way too coddled today. My parents were raised on farms and I was raised to be responsible around age 8-9. I cooked, canned. sewed, ironed and babysat. My dad taught me to clean a carburetor and assist him in basic auto maintenance and carpentry. He didn't want me to be ignorant about those things. Also, I learned to sit still and be quiet in church as a child. I learned the world doesn't revolve around me. I learned respect. Kids can discipline themselves to listen to the pastor. Today most people would never trust their children with responsibilities. It's sad and we are robbing our children of the opportunity to build character and integrity.

  13. Isaiah 24…in one hour, everything is going to change. It is coming, everyone prepare the best that you can. Great video.

  14. I'm glad to hear fathers training their children for hardship. I have watched several documentaries on the holocaust, and many children were separated from their parents for a variety of reasons, and needed to find their own ways to hide and survive… And some did. Some people could not handle the horrors they lived through, and lost their mind, or gave up. Others, even children, found ways to survive the harshest of situations

  15. Luke, when we were young, my Gramp gave us each a pen knife. Not something city kids in the 70's carried. We were told it was a tool not a toy, and not to go showing kids at school. We never had an incident, and passed on the lessons (and the knives) to our kids and grandkids.

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