Japanese Garden

Check out the Nebari on this Root Over Rock Pine!

Eric repots a root over rock Japanese Black Pine and discusses the work it still needs while in middle development.

00:00:36 The stone is unusual in both shape and size from the rocks Eric typically gravitates toward. He collected it in far Northern California.

00:01:00 The tree has been growing in a colander for the past two years. You can learn more about it from this article Eric wrote a few years ago: https://www.bonsaify.com/blogs/phutu-blog/improving-young-root-over-rock-pines. It escape rooted through the container and ground cover, and has grown quickly.

00:01:51 Eric separated the tree from the ground to avoid compromising the quality of the finished bonsai.

00:02:40 Sawzall in action cutting through the bottom of the container!

00:03:37 Why to avoid ragged root edges.

00:04:20 This tree is still in middle development.

00:05:24 Eric continues cutting back the roots, removing topsoil to expose roots and rock.

00:07:18 How to think about development with eventual bonsai pot in mind.

00:07:51 Repotting

00:08:21 Wiring a branch to create movement and highlight the rock face.

00:09:38 Sacrifice branches and summary of container choice and future development work.

Share your experiences working with unusual rocks in root over rock compositions in the comments below! Thank you for watching; if you’re looking to start your own RoR and you already have a rock in mind, we have young Japanese Black Pine available for purchase, grown specifically for this purpose: https://www.bonsaify.com/products/japanese-black-pine-for-exposed-root-and-root-over-rock. Looking for an entire RoR kit? We have that, too! https://www.bonsaify.com/products/root-over-rock-japanese-black-pine-kit


  1. Awesome Vid! I’m in Fresno, not too different from your climate generally speaking in terms of freezing. Would you say repotting could start now?

  2. Nice pine over rock!
    I am growing a black pine too at least three years, it chould have about five years old. I dont need to repot my pine this year, so when is the best time to change the sacrifice branch!?
    Regards from Portugal.

  3. Happened to stumble upon your channel a week or so ago. I must say, the way you explain each step, as it pertains to future development, is very insightful. Please keep the videos coming. They are both entertaining and appreciated. Also, I've given a look over your online store as well. Hope to purchase when the weather is a bit warmer. Cheers, mate.

  4. Love the channel and all the material you sell. I’ve bought tons of trees from you and they all arrive in great health and continue to grow vigorously!

    Thanks for sharing your experience and expertise.

  5. The stone almost reminds me of an axe head. It is almost as if the black pine is attacking an axe to stop deforestation. Great looking piece. Thank you for sharing!

  6. Looks great, nice video, do you also have some videos on how do you start black pines over rock. I tried a few times and I never seem to get them that tight up against the rock.

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