Gardening Supplies

How fruit is transformed into firewood. #biologs #charcoal #biodegradable #fuel #firewood


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  1. Amazing how fruit waste is used as raw material for the production of biodegradable charcoal! Really sustainable solution🙌🏼🌎

  2. b.s. air quality statement, combustion of fungicides and pesticides is the equivalent of creating a low ppm gas chamber. don't believe the feel good hype.

  3. The fruit should be feed on to animals on zoo or pastured swine, or, can be used as compost using vermicomposting. This put more work and cost in to. Too much effort while end product just firewood wich produce more green gas, and arent used commonly in advance country.

  4. Why not just cut down a tree for real firewood instead of using all these gigantic machines and fuel to make something into FAKE firewood 🤦🏻‍♂️ humans love wasting time and energy

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