Gardening Supplies


Cargo ship blocks Suez Canal prepare now by stocking up for an already strained supply chain to become
Worse between this and cyber attacks that have been happening.

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👉🏽 Banks are closing

👉🏽 90 Stores closing Fed ex 90 stores closing (fed ex)

👉🏽 workers threaten to walk out

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▪️ Solar Power Stations I use
Okmo Solar Power generator
▪️2000w solar generator link $350 OFF
▪️ 1000w solar generator $250 OFF
▪️ 600w Oupes Solar Power Station
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▪️Coleman Butane Stove top
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▪️ Seed Trays

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👉🏽 list of processing plants fires

👉🏽Gardening Playlist

👉🏽stockpiling hygiene and medicine

👉🏽list of processing plants
👉🏽 70 stores closing Sears

👉🏽Walmart closing more stores

👉🏽10 Things To Start a Food Pantry

👉🏽Food Shortages in South Carolina

👉🏽Food Shortage in North Carolina

👉🏽Sheering Sheep

👉🏽Food Voucher

👉🏽Panic Buying in China we maybe next

👉🏽Monkey Pox

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  1. Sorry people this time won't be like the last time they making people really think this is going to be okay it was like before we'll get more supplies well not this time folks I'm telling you this Time what I'm telling you what I was told that all you been seeing was only what was in certain warehouses that didn't burn down remember all the place they burnt down all the Walmarts all them food places only thing you seen they was putting on the shelves was stuff they had on hand from local warehouses they had so now they're pulling this again because they're going to make people think that I'll don't worry they'll get more because it's just a disruption they'll be okay not this time what I seen and was told get get what you can get out of the city I was told not to say nothing but I have to it's not right for people to be left in the dark I don't care if they come after me for telling you I see is you are my people so I got to do it nobody else is going to tell you that much

  2. So 1st the aircraft systems are hacked & now thousands of ships are cyber attacked … & people still can’t read between the lines smh

  3. The ukrain biolab corn delivery I wouldn't feed it to coyotes or mountain lions that are my neighbors who watch out for me.

  4. The governments around the world are causing all these problems and then they're fixing everything for you . Because they knew a big big secret that they will never tell you about

  5. I like your show
    Good advice to stock up.
    Very important to have medical supplies to treat deep cuts .
    Stepping on a nail is serious problem if it gets infected.
    Foods buy dry and dry your vegetables.
    Keep reporting young lady your doing great.

  6. They're worried about too many people waking up. So they're causing all these distractions. To keep the citizens of the world from hunting them down

  7. This happens more than you think and usually isn't even reported on. There are several tug companies that make a living on this short cut of the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea

  8. strikes me as off that this ship is owned by the company that owns the other ship that was stuck. wonder who owns them and what connections they have to the WEF or MIC or big ag or big pharma or any of the other corrupt alphabet gangs .. If the powers that be are truly orchestrating a global economic collapse to usher in the cbdc and nwo ..

  9. Food's in store's getting now put on shelf's have reached the best buy date. As can foods to crackers have only a month if February and will they be ok on the cracker's. Were was the can food stored at? So as January Walmart loading old food.

  10. Mainstream,So,Called NEWS
    Appearently In the Pocket Of Government..Ours 🇺🇸& Forighen..
    Thanks for Real Info.. To help all..
    Read Between the lines ,y'all!!
    Gather with eachother(Like Minded) Stay Prepared! Not
    Hoarding.. There is a BIG difference!!
    Lord Bless all! Thanks, Sweet Cousin!💗

  11. I don't feel conformable living in the big cities. Good even sis new subscriber here I just found this channel

  12. Additional Info: I follow the shipping news because it is a great indicator of things to come, so kudos for you for following it, too. This incident in the Suez is not uncommon, about 1 ship a year does this. This particular ship had a mechanical issue and the procedure is to drift to the side and wait for the tugs to move you. continued =>
    There were other incidents around the world this past week which point to ships going to places they don't ordinarily go and having issues entering and exiting the ports. One port was supposed to be dredged to a certain depth to accommodate larger and heavier ships, but it wasn't done right and so there was a jam up and redirection of ships. A ship in India caught fire and an oil tanker also caught fire today/yesterday.
    I am out in California (unfortunately) and the ports here finally reduced their backlog and are "open for business" HOWEVER, our Commie Governor, put some Green Laws in which took over 80,000 trucks off our roads and prevents tens of thousand more owner/operator truckers from operating in California. Due to this and some other BS in California, many shippers are going to the South East ports instead or down to Mexico to unload and use the trains to move product to California and Canada.
    For us Californians, this further increases the costs of goods here. We are already suffering from the new one use plastic ban which is preventing a lot of products from even coming into California due to the product itself or, get this, it's packaging! I work with Seniors and Amazon is no shipping certain incontinence products to CA anymore because of the packaging.
    There is a channel on YT called "what's happening with shipping" and the host covers world shipping in an easy to follow language and format.

  13. Today I bought 5 packs of spaghetti, some ground beef mince, and jars of spaghetti bol sauce. I can easily make 14 meals for £14. I'll vary the meals more than just that, I also do baked potatoes with beans, cheese, tuna, coleslaw, and chilli, and cheese toasties etc. I'm keeping my food prices down, whilst still stockpiling extra cans of food for SHTF.

  14. More proof as to how the legacy media is keeping us in the dark.
    We need to promote farming in our own country and stop out sourcing food.

  15. 🚩🚩🚩Thankyou for covering this! Additionally, global shipping JUST experienced a Ransom Ware cyber attack. Over 1,000 ships are without DVN navigation software.🚩🚩🚩

  16. Things are collapsing at a rate that you'll never hear from the lame stream media. Thanks for getting this out there.

  17. This explains price spikes lately. Access to products and goods needed for basic living are not affected as of yet… but still doesn't hurt to prep, so we are safe from the crazy stuff like long lines and shortages later on. Thank you for the update.

  18. My opinion is We The People of The United States of America should NOT depend on any other country for anything!!! I feel that we have gotten so lazy, it's easier to depend on someone else. Whether it be another country or if it's just our big Corporate grocery stores!!! This isn't anything to worry about, it is a sign to start doing for yourself. Learn how to garden, grow your own vegetables, buy local from mom & pop shops, meat markets. I do comprehend that most do not have acreage. Example in California a small suburb neighbor hood came together & made their small yards into gardens, each grew 5-10 different things, then traded with each other. One can even grow fruit trees, herbs, etc. We all have a purpose, but most do NOT put in effort. Mother Nature has an abundance of benefits for free ❤️ Many people also have experience in welding, mechanics, construction, carpentry ❤️ This is a United WE Stand Movement, this is where we help each other, this is where we put our differences aside, start to barder ❤️ if everyone gave, no one would be in need!!! It feels good to always give, never expect anything in return ❤️ Get rid of the GREED, STOP chasing the Root to ALL EVIL👹MONEY. God Bless every man, woman, & child🙏❤️

  19. And if anyone is interested in what is going on with military patterns checkout monkey werx.

  20. Why do you fear mongering and bait and switch. I’ve watched some really informative videos from you but titles like this when the problem is fixed makes me question everything you say now.

  21. Hopefully there will be NO EMBARGO for Ukraine! Let's respect every country's freedom. Please.

  22. Thank you Tommy we owe so much to you. God bless you and your family. Maybe hubby will take vitamins such as B12, C's,iron, and a good multvitamin. Tommy maybe you should take them with him as well. Keep your resistance up. With all that's going on in our world you guys will need this for yourselves. Your faithful viewer

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