Container Gardening

Container Gardening: How to Begin – Pot Selection, Plants, Sun Exposure and More

Do you want to grow something and think container gardening might be a good place to start? Well, I agree!! In this video, I will touch on a few basic things you will need to consider when beginning a container garden. You can grow sooo many things in containers such as herbs, vegetables, even lettuce! Subscribe for updates. I will give more specific instructions on growing certain plants.


  1. My wife and I have over thirty of these devils.   We keep the soil over the winter for the bottom 80% of the container for the next year.  .  Then add new soil to the to 20%.  We know winter  we only have 93 frost free days a year out 365!!!

  2. A quick reply to the reply.  I would have a greenhouse and many here do, but the cost of heating it in the winter months is quite high.  So I bite the bullet (so they say) and go the indoor market garden to buy our plants.  It costs us about $200 to $400 to get what we need (tomatoes flowers herbs all the things you talk about) and that is less that the cost of heating a greenhouse.
    Bruce   I will do a video on the new seedlings going in this weekend.

  3. This is the epitome of instructions in how to start a container garden! I'm forwarding this on to my wife because I don't want her to miss it. Outstanding! Thanks, Donna!

  4. Wonderful. Alas, I don't have people in my family as enthusiastic as I am about plants. 

  5. Donna, I love your videos! They have been so helpful to me as I embark on my gardening adventure! I do have a question though, my balcony orientation is west facing ……. Do you think it would be difficult to grow veggies? It gets about four to six hours of sun per day.

  6. You have a wonderful container garden…..
    I'm rather inexperienced, but have grown Mint in the shade and it will grow reasonably well, at least it did for me.  Be advised that Mint is very invasive and can easily overtake a garden area.  
    Thanks, Wayne

  7. We have a nice big garden with a willow tree in it but not much else am an absolute beginner as far as gardening is concerned. We are going to b getting rid of our hedge this year mainly because my father in law on a ladder with a hedge trimmer is very dangerous and will give us peace of mind if we leave him in house alone. Do it on a dime u tuber Katherine put me on to your channel looking forward to gaining a fair bit of gardening knowledge from u x

  8. Wow, we are neighbors.. I live in LA…lower Alabama..I need to find dirt to buy  for the pots that does not have sticks & rocks in the bags.

  9. Hi from South Texas. Love your videos! I have a question ! Please let me know which date of your video provides the info on the soil mix you use before you seed or transplant. I can not find it. Thank you.

  10. Thank you so much! Your garden is absolutley beautiful. This video is so helpful. I'm wanting to start a small container garden but am afraid of bugs and insects overtaking my starter garden. Any helpful hints with unwanted pests? How often do you water your garden?  

  11. Do you think 5 gallon pails – like from Lowe's would work better?  I am going to try them – at least they have a handle and maybe wouldn't break so easily.   Or kitty litter pails which are a bit smaller. My brother gave me some and I will try these – not so heavy I'm hoping… Any thoughts?

  12. A most wonderful idea for those individuals with limited physical abilities not being able to raise a garden in a yard. Could possibly also raise containers at higher level. Maybe sit pots up on tables if you were in a wheelchair. Or possibly would need to sit and do gardening skills right at table level. Could grow herbs, cherry tomatoes, mini peppers, lettuce.

  13. I've found your videos so helpful and looking forward to sowing my seeds soon! What is the size of your containers (diameter and height)? I have a few 10 inch containers but not sure if they're large enough. I plan to grow herbs (basil, cilantro, ect.) and also some flowers from seed. Thanks for your help!

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