Front Yard Garden

Winter Garden Tour | Gardening with Creekside

It may be winter, but there are signs of spring popping up in the garden! Join us as we take a winter garden tour to show you how our North Carolina gardens are looking at the end of January. Plus, we are sharing a fun new project with you!

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Creekside Nursery
181 Pine Hollow Dr
Dallas, NC, 28034


  1. How were you able to get the Phenomenal Lavender to thrive…?? Mine died…Please share or reference the video…Zone 8… Texas…

  2. CONGRATULATIONS on your decision to have chickens again! I’m envious for sure. Best wishes with your new little ones. I’m sure Brenna will be thrilled.😊

  3. Exciting! Love chickens. There is something so soothing about the hens' warble as they search for delicious bugs. 🐔😊

  4. So happy that most of your plants are rebounding from the blast! And the bulbs are coming up – that’s very exciting as I look forward to seeing their beauty. Happy Spring at Creekside! 🐓🌿🌷

  5. With egg prices these days, y'all are making the right decision 👍
    (We live right next to my grandma and she had like 30 chickens 😎)

  6. I am so excited you are getting chickens again! What kind of chicks did you order? ❤️🐥 We raise Silkies, not good layers but great little broody mommas!

  7. Beautiful gardens! You mentioned treat for Japanese beetles on your roses. Please share how you rid of those pesky things.

  8. All 6 of what I call sweet olive that smell so good are all naked. They look similar to what you are calling T olive. I hope they come back because they smell like heaven when they bloom. They all needed to be pruned so I guess I will wait a while to do that. I live in central Mississippi and the freeze hit us very hard!

  9. For the chicken coop – are you going to collaborate with Carolina Coops? They have a great website, lots of cool coops and info, and they are in NC!

  10. Anyone who’s been gardening more than a few years knows you just have to be patient and see after winter damage. As long as the plants you are growing are rated for your zone, they almost always survive. Some plants are really really slow to get statrted in the spring so I never give up on anything until June or later. Kind of getting tired of all the “is it dead “ questions on every channel. People need to calm down a little.

  11. My David Austin tree forms were pretty, but the leaves that turn yellow with black spot fall off and look bald. By the end of summer it was just huge peach yellow roses on almost bare branches. I was a bit disappointed. We use the same preventative on our roses that you do.

  12. Ahhh! My Tea Olive has major leaf drop too. I was worried that it was sick. That’s so encouraging to see yours with the new growth. I just put them in a couple of years ago. My Stellar Magnolia is near the Tea Olives is doing the same. I just give them some time to recover.

  13. My experience with lorapetalum is you can’t kill it end of story just chop it down to ground and I’m sure you will get née growth!!!

  14. I doubt you thought about this but having the chickens on top of that hill all those plants on that slope will get all that fertilizer(the chicken manure) washed down to them when it rains. So all those plants should really take off and be happy

  15. You have a beautiful garden, even in the winter months….love your video, keep them coming…Blessings !!

  16. Jenny,
    Great garden tour! 😃 Soooo many questions! 🤔
    1) Did you trim back the foliage in the violas nipped by the horrid Artic "Beast" or just leave them for new growth to cover the bad spots. Btw, thinking the nasty Artic Beast needs a name–any ideas? 🤔 We could name it Larry, after my Ex–he was cold & biting, too. 😆
    2) Were my eyes deceiving me? It looks like the Pitcher Plants in the Redbud garden made it through the rampage of the Artic Beast completely unscathed! 😯
    3) Baby chickies? Aaawww!!! ❤🐥🐣🐤❤ What breeds?
    4) On the new roses–I lie to myself about such things @ least several times a year. Do you think we need to ask the goid Lord to forgive us when we lie to ourselves? 🤔😉
    5) I read that Loropetalums are naturally a bit brittle. I planted a Jazz Hands & Pixie this past fall, but am trying hard to resist touching them so as not to get discouraged . My plan is to just wait & see if they develop new growth come spring.
    Thank you. 😊

  17. Hi Jenny.. do you have peonies..can you please tell us on how to care for peony plants.. thanks in advance

  18. Is the river rock next to the lavender functional? As in should I build up a swale of sorts with the rock that way or is it just for looks? 17:46

  19. Love seeing the progress in the winter. Makes me feel better about my gardens😊 I am curious where you got your trellises for your climbing roses. I desperately need something like that.

  20. I'm in sw Pa. And so envious of you longer growing season, to have roses getting buds on already !!! Thank you for all your great info !

  21. You know when your husband is watching with you and Jenny says “she has struggled with lavender” & he chimes in ours look awful. Yea, I need to try ‘Phenomenal!’ Maybe under that David Austin ‘Roald Dahl’ tree I ordered 😘. Save me a few!

  22. Nice to have a winter walk through and thank you for encouraging us gardeners to get outside walk around in our gardens no matter what time of the season.

  23. Hi Jenny, loved the tour. What was the evergreen you were standing by when you were talking about the new chicken coup? I need more evergreens in my yard and want broadleaf ones. I am in a 6B zone.

  24. Thank you for such an encouraging and enjoyable video as I tire of winter and so look forward to spring. Excited about the potential of trying that variety of lavender. Learning so much from you and appreciate that you are near me as I am in the NC Foothills.🌷

  25. Love your videos, so inspiring. A non gardening suggestion, try to discourage Brynna from playing with stones since she might wear her teeth down❤

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