
When to UP POT your seedlings! #gardening #seedstarting #seeds #texasgarden #gardentips #growfood

If you’re starting your seeds in a smaller 1″ cell tray, you’ll want to monitor them closely as they get bigger!
Some trays like the Epic Gardening air pruning trays or the Vego Garden air pruning trays will allow your plants more time inside the smaller cells before they will get too root bound and get stressed.
But as you can see in this video my cheap 1 inch trays only have a small hold at the bottom for the seedling to get water from their reservoir.
If you aren’t sure if it’s time to transplant your seedlings to a bigger container use these two methods of measurement to decided whether you should make the jump or not!

Using a fork to gently coax the seedling out of a 1″ cell works perfectly every time!

#gardeningtip #seedstartingtip #indoorgarden #springgarden2023 #texasgardener #southerngarden #growingcabbage #growfoodnow #growfoodnotlawns

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