Edible Gardening

Turn Your Local Restaurants into FEED STORES!

Pig Processing Class: https://sowtheland.com/online-workshops-1

Chicken Tractor on Steroids: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJjhO3CmjLk&list=PLaAkONMPbRRdpu49GNp-vHfOP7qb2DNDa

Permaculture Pimpcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/permaculture-pimpcast/id1511166208

Freesteading: https://freesteading.com/

Music by Tesstamona: https://linktr.ee/tesstamona
Music by VanTesla: https://linktr.ee/vanteslamusic

Get $50 Off EMP Shield: https://www.empshield.com
Promo Code: perma

Comfrey for sale: https://www.permapasturesfarm.com/store-1

Chicken Processing Online Course: https://sowtheland.com/member-area?aff=4

Harvest Right Freeze Dryer: https://affiliates.harvestright.com/1247.html

Bone Sauce: https://www.permapasturesfarm.com/store-1

Support the channel here: https://www.patreon.com/permapasturesfarm


  1. Hey Billy, I'm loving your videos and tons of info. I didn't know that your farm is close to AVL. I'm out in Sandy Mush and loving my little farm. ♥️

  2. Thank You , Billy ! I went to our local Pizza Hut. They are going to save me all their salad bar remains & bread sticks , in turn I give him eggs. He even asked what he should not put in the can. I said no onions. A total WIN. Thanks to you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!🤩 I did go today on Tuesday. I was honest & said it was supplementing my chicken feed. We are VERY rural. Good farm folk .

  3. Thanks Billy. I know lots of people trying to make these connections and keep getting told no. They would rather throw it away from empty bins to scrap food. I will never understand that poor mentality in this day in age!

  4. That cream cheese frosting looked really good. That reminded me of the Seinfeld episode where George ate the doughnut out of the trash

  5. Taking a bite out of food that was thrown out is why I can't get any from anywhere. I am trying to get a food source for my black soldier flies that I feed to my chickens and have had to resort to buying feed for the flies. Not one restaurant or store will give up their waste, even though I have the health department's blessing. One store manager even looked mad that I even asked and walked away saying it's against store policy. I am still working on a plan though. Great video, keep it up.

  6. !COULD YOU MAKE A VIDEO ON CHICKENS FROM FIRST DAY TO ADULTHOOD? Just how it’s done, babies inside until what age, the feed, the bedding, water amount, heat, housing, etc, the cleaning everyday?I’m sure most people already know how, but I’ve wanted chickens my whole life and now this stuff is going on. Since 18 I wanted this life, but life got in way. I’m now 50 and I’m in process of looking for my little farm to buy…FINALLY!!! I’m kinda new to your channel, and I just love it! I figured out of all the you tubers, you would be the one who could explain it to those just starting, so we could follow along and understand it. Many thanks for what you do❤️

  7. Billy, I've been watching a bunch of your videos the past few days about chicken feed, chicken tractors on steroids and composting. I wanted to order comfrey from you but it's not available. Will you have some soon ready to sell or should I order seeds? Is that just because it's still winter? I want to plan ahead and I'd love to give you the business.

  8. All I can say is that keep up the good work Mr. BOND,,you're simply amazing citizen 👏👏👏👏👏👌👌👌💚🌱💚

  9. My grandfather owned a pig farm 60 years ago when I was younger in Bergen County. He had this idea to lower his feed bill.He approached some hi end restaurants in New York City since it was across the Hudson from his farm. He arranged to pick up their food scapes. He got so busy as back them one restaurant always helped another out. As time went by he contracted enough restaurants he bought 2 used garbage trucks and hired 2 guys to drive them. Unless I am remembering wrong his pigs were much much larger with good dispositions. I would say around 600 pounds. I live in the suburbs now with my daughter and her family. Back in my 20th, I lived in Everglades 4 miles north of Alligator alley in Florida. when the state chased all the people living in the Glades off the land as they were going to fix what the corp of Engineers did wrong 20 years before. I then went to manage a tree nursery. When I was 45 I moved to Tennessee and soon after I became ill. I was in a wheelchair starting 15 years ago to present. I have tried to convince my daughter and her husband to Homestead but they are just not ready to take that plunge.. I even threatened them by telling them I would be dead before I could teach them all my skills. When I lived in the everglades I was self sustaining there with a few cows, a few pigs, a lot of chickens, goats, and monkeys. I made the cash i needed for things I could not grow or raise by going up and down the canal picking up beer and soda cans fishermen left behind from the weekend. and taking them to the scrap yard. Since I became tyed to my wheelchair my dream of living off the land once again is gone. We are on 3/4 of an acres south of Knoxville, but my daughter will not let me have pigs or sheep or cows. I think I have almost convinced her to let me gtet chickens but no roosters. My blessing to you and the misses, the Kraemers, the Hollers, The Yeoman, Sow the Land. and all the rest of the homesteaders sharing their knowledge. and helping one another. You are always in my prayers. God bless, Susan

  10. Billy LOVE the info down here in SC . Question? Do you cook the eggs before you feed to the dogs. I'd like more info on that please sir.

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