@California Garden TV

California Garden TV: 12 Vegetable Gardening Mistakes You Can Avoid

We all make mistakes in the organic vegetable garden. In this video I’m going to highlight 12 vegetable garden mistakes you can avoid if you know they are mistakes.

– Find your frost date: https://www.almanac.com/gardening/frostdates
– Free planting worksheet: https://www.nextlevelgardening.tv (click on downloads)
– Order my book, “Companion Planting for Beginners” : https://amzn.to/3utNHBH
– VIDEO: Why I Don’t Use Miracle-Gro: https://youtu.be/U–_4zvIRNM
– VIDEO: What Fertilizer I Use, Plus Free Fertilizers: https://youtu.be/6JdwA73xXrc

MENTIONED PRODUCTS AND OTHER PRODUCTS I LOVE & USE: https://www.nextlevelgardening.tv/products-i-love
Hey Guys, I’m Brian from Next Level Gardening

Welcome to our online community! A place to be educated, inspired and hopefully entertained at the same time! A place where you can learn to grow your own food and become a better organic gardener. At the same time, a place to grow the beauty around you and stretch that imagination (that sometimes lies dormant, deep inside) through gardening.

I’m so glad you’re here!

WHERE TO FIND ME (Some of the links here are affiliate links. If you purchase through our links we’ll receive a small commission that helps support our channel, but the price remains the same, or better for you!)

– Our Website: https://www.nextlevelgardening.tv
– Our Second Channel, NEXT LEVEL HOMESTEAD: https://www.youtube.com/nextlevelhomestead
– The School of Traditional Skills: https://bit.ly/3zoFWy1
– Instagram: www.instagram.com/nextlevelgardening
– Our Facebook Garden Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/nextlevelgardeners

PRODUCTS I LOVE – https://www.nextlevelgardening.tv/products-i-love


  1. Have you ever considered using Miracle-Gro specifically for trap crops? Grow plants you have no intention to eat but just to keep the disease away from the organic garden? Or would that just attract more bad stuff to your garden in general?

  2. Thank you for your wisdom and knowledge I’ve been getting my garden together every weekend and have my seedlings going for the past month. I def started some seeds of things we don’t eat BUT I want to know if I’m successful at it. Artichoke, and Eggplant. 😅❤ I do plan on cooking them.

  3. Spacing on seed packages is only important if you're using mechanized equipment, like sprayers, tractors, planters, seed drills, harvester, and stuff like that. Most home gardeners don't need and can't afford $250K+ worth of equipment.

  4. For years I hurt my fingers putting in drip systems. Then I discovered that if you put the tubing into a cup of very hot water they connect much easier.

  5. Can’t wait to see your watering drip video as need to do that here in the upper desert. Can I use wood chips from Ashley’s furniture store ? Don’t know if it is hardboard or just good wood. We have had it for about 8 years and it has decreased down a bit but is still there.

  6. This is such a good video! Good reminders of how to keep our garden growing and doing it well. Thanks!

  7. This is depressing me. I’m away from home for 3 weeks and depending on a house sitter to water my pepper and tomato seedlings. I’m pretty sure it will be a total loss by the time I get home.

  8. Hi. My "cold hardy" seedlings are under 5+ feet of snow at the moment. My mom says not to remove the snow because it is 32⁰ while outside it is 24⁰F. She says cold hardy will tolerate 32 but not 24. Is that true? Is the snow insulation? Or are my plants dead? I'm in Crestline in the San Bernardino mountains of California.

  9. So excited for the drip system install! I've watched your previous episodes on drip system. However, please make this one more descriptive/detailed on actually installing the drip system. It would be beneficial for us/me to see the entire process. To have links would help…Drip Depot or Amazon? Even if the episode ends up being 30min+, I think it'll be helpful for us beginners. Seriously, love your channel!


    I'm a bird lover and used to think sparrows were darling visitors to my backyard gardens and even encouraged them by laying out a little feed for them when I fed my chickens…


    They started eating EVERYTHING I was growing. One afternoon they wiped out all the blossoms on my almond tree. No almonds for 2022. Another day they demolished ALL my cabbages. Then the broccoli. I now have netting on everything to protect it – not from insects – but from the aggressive sparrows.

    I did a little research. Turns out the Common House Sparrow, like the males I saw swarming your feeder, are a NON NATIVE INVASIVE SPECIES FROM ASIA and because they are so aggressive, they wipe out the nicer, native species. When's the last time you saw a robin or a blue bird or any of the regular birds that are SUPPOSED to be in your area?

    I found that many bird lovers are actually setting out traps to kill sparrows to help bring back native species populations. There is no law against this, it is encouraged.

    If that makes you uncomfortable, at least stop feeding the sparrows. Or move feeders and bathes far from your food production or anything you don't want covered in (possibly) disease spreading poo or otherwise chewed up.

    If they haven't got you yet, just keep encouraging them, they will.

  11. I read and re-read your book last year and direct sowed several flowers. This year I’m mostly starting my plants indoors. This is a huge change for me since I always thought my garden “real estate” needed to be all veggies. You are right – the flowers are gorgeous and encourage me to stroll among the raised beds more often. While I haven’t noticed an abundance of new beneficial insects, I know I am planting for the future. It can only get better!

  12. Hello Brian, thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge. Very helpful. Best wishes to you. Jason from Melbourne Australia.

  13. I started my garden February 2021 thanks to you I learn so much from you and I am doing better now thank you Brain for your garden Knowledge.

  14. Thank you for this video. Recovering from total knee replacement and need to get my seeds going. Hopefully I’m not late. With weather so weird in Arkansas not sure if I can trust the last frost date. Getting organized and should be able to walk may garden by end of April to plant. Thanks for keeping me going Blessing to you and your family. ❤️🌺

  15. Excellent video. First one, "Not having a plan," gripped my attention. I know each year I have analysis paralysis because my mind is racing, as though I'm running out of time, and it's really just the beginning! But it's common sense, to have a plan, calm down, first step leads to the next. Thanks for the kick in the pants.

  16. Thanks for another great video! Everytime I watch one, I get out my garden journal and add more notes. I have a group of raised beds and have saved one for my grand kids. It's gonna have strawberries but it will also be a huge fairy garden for them to play in. I want them to know that gardening is fun and yummy. And maybe they can learn as I work in my other beds!

  17. Have you used wicking/self watering beds or do you have an opinion/advice regarding them?

  18. Oh how I wish there was a predator (besides rats, of course) that would eat all those darn slugs!!!!

  19. You're so right — installing drip irrigation is way easier than I thought it would be. I built out an entire customized drip system a few years ago with no prior experience, and it was a total game-changer!

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