Garden Plans

Garden Design

Garden Design when done properly, can add much to the enjoyment of your space and greatly increase the value of the property when done correctly.

In this garden design video, we show some award winning garden designs and exactly how they are put together from the actual design to the finished product.

Garden Design Basics

Garden design basics are important foundations to consider before beginning projects and creating a garden space. From understanding local climate conditions, terrain, and soil type, to dealing with invasive species or limited outdoor spaces – there are many considerations to address when planning the ideal garden. Gardeners should consider what type of plants they would like to cultivate such as edibles, decorations, herbs, or perennials. Additionally, gardeners must ask themselves how much maintenance they are prepared to commit before selecting garden elements and accessories. On one hand, minimalistic gardening may require less time and effort–such as using ground covers and mulch in place of grass lawns and low-maintenance native plants for borders. On the other hand, a more involved approach may include ornamental shrubs, colorful perennial flowers, trees with seasonal appeal, and water features like ponds or fountains.

Design aesthetics is another factor to consider when designing gardens. Owners can look to their personal preferences as well as their homes’ architecture in order to determine the colour palette they wish to use in the new space. Additionally, various texture and levels can be used to create visual interest and focal points throughout, from stone paths bisecting lawns and fields of annuals to gravel walkways framing perennial beds or stonework edging for borders.

Finally, there is the added option of creating accessible gardens for people with disabilities with diagonal paths instead of stairs, making sure benches provide adequate reach when entering and exiting them. By keeping these basic ideas in mind when planning garden designs, homeowners can ensure their outdoor spaces will be enjoyable for all who visit! With these garden design basics understood, it’s important now to determine one’s specific needs by analyzing their individual garden space.
Analyzing Your Garden Space

When preparing to create a garden design, it is important to first analyze the available space. You’ll need to consider the size and shape of your garden, how much sunlight and shade it receives, and what types of soil will be required for your ideas. By understanding the specific environment of your garden space, you can better plan out the type of garden you want to create and which plants will fit best in that environment.

Additionally, you should also consider how much time and money you’re willing to invest in your project. Consider the maintenance needs for each of your desired plants, as well as any possible soil improvements that may be necessary. If you don’t have a large budget or a lot of free time, choose only those plants which require minimal upkeep or easy-to-maintain varieties.

When developing your garden design, there are both tangible and intangible elements to consider. From selecting aesthetically pleasing plant combinations to creating a functional yet serene atmosphere, it can be difficult to balance all these factors while retaining a sense of overall cohesion.

The next section will discuss the various options available when it comes to incorporating garden structures into your garden design. Structures such as arbors, trellises, and even water features can add incredible visual interest while defining spaces within your outdoor space.
Garden Structures

Garden structures are a great way to add interest and vertical elements to your garden. From arbors and pergolas, to gazebos and trellises, there are a variety of different structures you can use to get creative with your garden design.

Arbors are a great way to create an inviting entryway into your garden. They also make great supports for vining plants such as clematis or climbing roses. Pergolas offer more coverage than arbors and can be used both singularly and in groups to create an interesting visual effect.

Gazebos are perfect for intimate gatherings in the garden and provide much-needed shade from the sun. Trellises are an easy way to add both structure and interest to any outdoor space. They can be used on their own, or as a backdrop for colorful and dynamic floral displays.

A garden structure adds a sense of permanence within an ever-changing landscape. Whether you choose an archway, trellis, gazebo or pergola, these structures will serve as eye-catching elements in your landscape design while providing some much needed respite under their sheltering arms.

At Garden Design Co we offer Garden Design services in the UK, United States, and to the rest of the world. Check us out @


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