Vegetable Gardening

Vegetable Gardening Jobs for Summer HD
Find out what you can do to improve the soil conditions of your vegie garden in preparation for a long hot summer. On Lamb Island, Queensland Australia, Kat who is passionate about living sustainably and self-sufficiently utilises what is on hand to leave her vegie plot virtually maintenance free while she is away on summer holiday. Learn how to improve the water retention of your soil and how to harvest the nutritious castings from an active worm farm (without touching the worms).


  1. You seem to have a great yard, filled with stuff! abd your worm pot is soooo full of life! Loved the chicken lookibg for some worms to eat!

  2. Lady you seem to know what u r doing , great job , well planned garden, more women should be like u … keep up the good work , u r a blessing..

  3. @GabbyT2 well I'm glad I've inspired you to start a worm bin, I'm about to make a short video on how they work. Stay tuned!

  4. @stylus880 The tray I used for the castings was the lowest one, and all food had been going into the top tray, so i presumed most of the worms would be in the feeding tray at the top? Was not the case. But will try switching around tonight as I need some more castings… good thinking, much easier than sifting them out. They are all precious!

  5. Uh oh,….take care of them beautiful worms, there's a rhode island red on the prowl,…never miss a cue do they!!! = )

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