Garden Design

The Garden Design Co FAQ

The Garden Design Co FAQ

0:05 The Garden Design Process

Our design process works in six parts. The first part is a decision by the client to go ahead and get the design. Once they’ve made that decision, we move on to part two, which is our survey. On the survey, we then go out and take all the measurements of the site and look at what’s going to fit best in that garden’s own microclimate. The third part is a 2D design. That’s a bird’s eye view of your ideas and our ideas so that we can actually start to formulate what’s going to be the end result. The fourth part is our 3D visuals. And from the 3D visuals, we then can start to establish a full investment for the garden moving forward.

The fifth part would be our final review which would happen in our design studio, which we call a design reveal for our clients to come in and make any last minute changes that we need to, to the design. And then from there, the final part, six and final part would be a project management visit where we actually build the schedule for the team to go ahead and build the garden.

1:15 Do we have to proceed with the construction?

So, you’re not held to us to proceed with the construction. It is an option if you do want us to do the build for your project.

1:27 Do you provide a design-only service?

From the Garden Design Co., we do offer both design and build services. So, if you did want a design only, we can do that.

1:39 Do you work all year round?

I think that would mainly depend on the client themself and whether they’ve got family commitments or any other time of the year they want it done for. For example, we do a lot of entertaining gardens where they might have a party, so they want it done for a certain period of time, but from our point of view, we build gardens all throughout the year.

2:01 How much will my garden be?

It’s hard to tell you how much your garden will be without seeing the project or not knowing the design. And that’s why we’ll work really closely with you. When you have your garden survey, we’ll have all the technical information that we’ll need, and we’ll start to produce a concept on that initial meeting.

We’ll give you a very rough feasibility, so you’ll have a bit of an indication of how much your garden will be. At that point, you can develop the design or you can scale it back so it suits your budget.

2:34 What if I don’t like my garden design package?

The whole point of the design is a continuous process rather than it just being one design. So, we’ll build it throughout with you making sure that each and every step, you are involved. So, making sure that you do like it. So, to begin with, we start with a 2D concept with kind of mood boards to see what you like and dislike before we progress it into a full 3D drawing to make sure that you are a hundred percent happy with it, the layout and the way we are taking the design.

3:04 Home renovation: when is the best time to start the garden?

If you are having a renovation project, then I would recommend booking in advance. And it might be quite nice to tie in having the garden built when your project is in construction because it saves you having the dig out and preparation and the skip all on the front at the same time. But it all depends really when’s best for you.

3:30 What guarantee does the garden offer?

The clients come to us for a number of reasons that they’re going to get their garden designed and built. Our guarantee, the client is that they will get the feeling that they wanted at the beginning. So, if they’re looking for more happiness or looking for more peace or tranquility or excitement or entertainment, our guarantee really is that you will get that once the garden’s built.

Now, there’s the practical side of it which is the workmanship guarantee. We’ve got a fully functioning 24-7 maintenance guy that will go out and look after the garden. If there’s any problems that you have with your garden, you can call into the office. There’s a really nice process of booking in any snagging, as it were.

And we’ll come out and fix that real quick for people. But the guarantee really is that you’re going to be, if you want to be happy, you’ll be happy.

4:26 What if my design is over my budget?

If it is over budget, you’ll have a couple of options. You’ll be able to have design only. So, you can have no limitations on the design. And you’ll have a wow design that you can take to other contractors or to do yourself. Alternatively, if you do want to do the construction, then we can see where we can scale it back and prioritize what is a must in the garden.
——————- To see the full transcript, watch our video go to the link below!

6:04 The Garden Design Co.
The Garden Design Co. is the leading premium garden design and garden landscaping construction company in the UK. Check us out at


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