Vegetable Gardening

Harvest garden vegetables Bring to the market to sell, Grow ginger with.daughter – Lưu Linh

Harvest garden vegetables Bring to the market to sell, Grow ginger with.daughter
Hello everyone dear
Luu Linh Building New life has a long journey, builds huts to live a free life with nature, digs fish ponds, cultivates, builds farms, manufactures and installs homemade equipment systems to revive daily life.
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  1. Какая ты трудолюбивая, много работаешь одна все делаешь,а муж помогает тебе , что-то его невидно в огороде.

  2. I’m so happy her baby girl is back with her. You can certainly tell the difference when she’s there. Hopefully her husband will join them soon too. So glad to see the little girl eating well too. Be Blessed

  3. Ciao a tutti.. Non capisco fanno video.. Ci fanno vedere il vissuto la loro giornata.. Xro è 1 fra le tante che non risponde.. Si capirebbe qualcosa in più di quello che fanno visto che ha deciso di farsi vedere.. Sarebbe più corretto

  4. Смотрю на девчонок,такие молодцы!сажают имбирь,Линь приучает свою дочурку и та уже будет это знать,все зависит от воспитания,девочки,будьте счастливы и всех вам благ!

  5. I put some cash in PP as a gift to ask Lu’u to please make wooden trolly to save your back, yes I know you are strong ,please for me I wish to make your life a little easier for you. I do not want in 30yrs you to become like me, one step away from a wheelchair

  6. Olà Liin. Tudo bem com vocês. Adorei ver você e sua filhinha trabalhando juntas. Ela traz um brilho especial para seu vídeo. Estamos sentindo falta do seu esposo Lu'u. Ele é muito trabalhador também igual a você, está sempre criando alguma coisa na fazenda. Espero ver Vocês tidos juntos em um próximo video. Um grande abraço 💕💕💕💕🌻🌻🌻🌲🌲🌲🌴🌴🌴

  7. Девочка просто хомяк,кастрюлю еды уговорила одна,ложку риса выделила щенку,а матери вообще не оставила

  8. Ừ đằng ấy tay làm hàm nhai đấy à trả bù cho cái bọn tay quai miệng trễ

  9. Ihr lieben beiden passt auf auf Erdloch er und nicht zu nahe am Wasser oder Erdrutsch wäre ein altes Haus nicht besser 😮?????❤

  10. Не плохой у девочки аппетит а щенку даже воды не дали не то чтоб поесть очень не красиво

  11. The little princess before ,,now is a lady girl,,good job my princess for helping your mother …i like it ❤❤❤

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