Edible Gardening

The Garden Makeover Begins! 🌳🌻🌷 Planting Trees & Seeds, Building the Patio

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Sewing • Historical Beauty • Vintage Fashion • Slow Living

I’m Lucy, nice to meet you.

I’m a creative living in a little house in the Netherlands with my husband.
On this channel I take you along in my creative endeavors; whether that’s sewing a dress, renovating a room or trying out historical hairstyles.


Website: http://www.loepsie.com
Instagram: http://instagram.com/Loepsies


Loepsie staat wettelijk verplicht onder toezicht van het Commissariaat voor de Media.


  1. Your garden is going to be beautiful… can’t wait to see it all come together. I’m sure you already do but if not you should definitely watch Garden Answer videos…Laura and Aaron have some great videos on creating Winter interest in the garden…🥰🇦🇺

  2. Be grateful for the rain and even snow. We have been stuck in a 3 year La Niña. What rain we get is not much and is usually followed the next day with high winds and heat. We dream of rain and even snow, so count your blessings. 🙂❤️

  3. Very excited for you two to start your green dream! it's my first year of having a balcony (or rather one balcony and one 70cm wide "essence" of a balcony 😄so I'm focusing on getting some plants on the railings that are in line with our strict and kinda weird guidelines of what we are allowed to do and then use the micro balcony to get some herbs growing, maybe some spring onions and mini tomatoes? We'll see how well we get them to stay alive

  4. Make sure that fence in your yard is yours before you paint it! Not sure if you have neighbors behind you.

  5. I'd suggest putting in some evening scented plants so you can enjoy their lovely smell as you enjoy the area at the end of the day! Nicotiana is a great one!

  6. So excited to see you so excited about your garden! Since you mentioned watching gardening shows and videos, if you've ever looking for more, I've found The Middle-Sized Garden (https://www.youtube.com/@TheMiddlesizedGarden ) such a wonderful channel for inspiration and ideas specifically for smaller gardens and garden spaces. 🌻💚☺

  7. Can’t wait to see the progress. You should add gardenias! They smell so amazing and would literally make your whole garden smell amazing when they bloom and also look beautiful in a vase when picked!!

  8. Generally pear trees require another pear in the area in order to cross pollinate and produce fruit. Maybe you have a neighbor with one or a store in the neighborhood that sells fruit trees? Will jasmine be able to overwinter outside in your climate? My mom has a jasmine tree, but she brings it in each winter. Granted, she lives in NE USA with lows in teens (Fahrenheit). Perhaps you have a more temperate climate. I only bring up these questions to be helpful; Your plan sounds lovely and I look forward to watching it all become a reality!

  9. Great plans! I'm with you, since October we've had THIRTY INCHES of water from the sky. A regular YEAR is just 10 inches, and we've been in a tremendous drought until now, so it's great. Just… usually it's 95F by this time, but it's still in the 40s even now.

  10. En kijk ook eens naar de optie van patiobomen, die worden maar 1.50 hoog en dragen toch veel fruit. Of zuilbomen, worden maar 20 cm breed. En kijk in de buurt wat het goed doet. Het kan zijn dat je grond te kalkrijk bv is voor camellia’s, of te zuur voor rozen. Kijk wat anderen hebben, dat kan je geld schelen. 😊

  11. I audibly gasped and pointed when I saw this video pop up on my tv! So exciting!! I can't wait to see how it all comes together. I'd also love to know if your AH moestuintjes were a succes! I planted 6 of them last week. They are also very old lol. I hope at least something grows!

  12. My kitchen is like a green house growing so much veg and strawberry

  13. Haha, I've still got a foot of snow on my garden. But I've got my tomato, pepper, basil and brussels sprouts seedlings planted already. In April I should be able to get into the garden and start cleanup…

    Do read up on how to prune your pear tree so it's strong, productive and accessible. You probably won't need to worry about it this year… Mine has been in the ground a few years and sometimes makes a lot of pear buds but then drops them all, the weather's been pretty awful the last few springs.

    Oh and if you do decide to plant the pumpkin, it might be a great way to cover a trellis fast for this first year, that or climbing beans (hint – purple climbing beans are available, AND they flower in purple!). Don't plant the pumpkin till only about 4 weeks before you want to put it outside or they get too big for the little bitty pots!

    Also if you haven't gotten to it yet, I would not recommend trying to flip those tiles, those things are notoriously difficult to get stable so they don't rock and heave around making unsafe footing, also the undersides may have sharp edges depending on how they were manufactured. My husband worked as a landscaper for a while and I helped him on a few jobs, enough to get a notion of what's a good idea and what's a bad idea… If the ones you have are solidly in place, don't stick up anywhere you're likely to break a toe on, and don't move when you step on them, I'd highly recommend leaving them in place until you have whatever it is you plan to replace them with. If you really want to make them look different, you could look into mixing up a bit of concrete and smoothing it into the pebbled tops for a temporary fix (wear personal protective equipment and work slowly in small batches and remember concrete will stick to everything you don't want it to). If you're laying your own patio stones later when you do decide to upgrade, please make sure you remove the dirt under them and put down a good thick layer of fine gravel (limestone screenings or stonedust is what it's called here) and pack it down really well as a good base for your stones otherwise they're very likely to move around and sink and heave with frost and become tripping hazards. The big ones look nice but are more difficult to get properly levelled so they don't rock around, also the bigger ones are a lot harder on your hands to lay down and position and pick up again to adjust and… you get the idea. If you get a contractor to do it, make sure THEY dig down and put a proper base and don't just lay tiles on dirt.

    Good luck, I'm excited for you!

  14. Thank you so much for your videos! I had a misfortune, I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I also created a channel and am trying to move in that direction, but so far not very successful(f

  15. I also have a garden now. And It is soo nice. Please for the environment: plant NATIVE plants, don't mown the lawn except once a year, open up as much space in your garden as you can! There is no WEED, just wildflowers and wild plants!Don't plant flowers which are "closed" – I don't know the term in english- plant flowers where insects can actually get to the pollen and nectar – with "open" heads…Maybe add a bee hotel. Plant native bushes and skip the invasive plants – such as lilac (at least in germany, Switzerland, France etc. pp. I think it might be the same where you are). They spread out (yes, also from a city garden) into the wild and will push away the native plants. Leave stems and "dead" flowers until march – as there are many bugs, eggs of bugs and caterpillars surviving winter in there. I also think they have their own kind of aesthetic. Most plants which are sold as "bee friendly" are just for the normal honey bees which go to everything… they are generalists. Maybe look around what kind of wild bees, butterflies and birds you have to help them specifically. Most wild bees and butterflies are specifically eating from one or two plants. Maybe add bird houses (there are nice ones to put up on the underside of your roof) and water! Bird waterstation, with stones in it for the insects! Please before you go on inform yourself about natural gardening. All the (home)gardens together make a 1/3 of all the natural space for plants, insects and animals. Let's use it very carefully. Sorry to write that much, but it is a big thing. If EVERYONE would do this, we wouldn't have all the insects dying. 😞

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