Gardening Trends


Have you ever wondered how your food was grown? Our family farms 80 acres of vegetables in the USA and would be happy to show you!

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We farm over 400 acres here in north east Pennsylvania, but 80 of those acres are strictly vegetables. Come take a look and see how our family works together to bring in the harvest!
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#harvest #vegetables #gardening


  1. Andrew, have you started to think about planting potatoes yet? I know April the beginning of planting I already put mine out but I’m only planting 10 trash cans full of potatoes meaning I have 10 trash barrels with soil and potatoes in each of them like five potatoes per bucket, and how soon would you consider putting? Cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower out. Is it still too soon?

  2. 1) what do you do to keep bug pests out of your greenhouses (and fields)
    2) we need the recipe for that soup

  3. This time of year has me itching to plant even though I’m physically not up to it. I still want to. So I watch y’all

  4. Grammy & Lauren need to write a cook book filled with their lunch & supper recipes 💓🍽️

  5. Orange kitty is darling. Please introduce the barn cats. I know you don't have dogs 😢 but give the cats their due as they keep the mice down.

  6. Please show your cats closer, they are so pretty. You could use a mirror on a stick to see the plants in the hanging baskets. Callie says Buy Boy, so cute

  7. I challenge you to eat some pasture raised eggs. SO much more flavor.!!!! Could put a doggy door maybe out Back to a fenced in area to get chickens out in Sun and ground for some nature!!!! I pay twice the price for flavorful eggs!!!! Just saying!!!!! Love y'all fromTX!!!!!!

  8. It's always a struggle for me to pull the trigger on replacing a device. I know that I can probably fix it, given enough time and effort, but most of the time you need it to work now. And also buying new stuff feels good. 😂

  9. Wow !!! Is it possible for Callie to be able to get her own snacks already ? She is just growing up way too fast ………………..and she certainly loves her Grandfather . Thanks for sharing these videos with us Andrew as they are very much enjoyed .

  10. You did not introduce us to the marmalade cat. You need a periscope to look at the higher baskets. Perhaps you could rig up a mirror on a pole. There is always something that needs fixing. Perhaps you need to pay a little more for a heater which is easier to fix. I am sure your Dad thinks anything less than 40 years old is new.
    I am impressed – so many plants, and those growing look so bonny and healthy.
    Its been warm here in UK, I have fava beans and snow peas coming up outside now. Mostly still under plastic bottles, but that is not because of the cold, it stops the critters eating the seeds. And my first carrots are just showing outside.

  11. Two things I have learned from watching your channel, I appreciate all your hard work and I don't want to be a farmer. You guys rock! I think everyone should be watching how hard people work for the food they eat! God bless you and your family.

  12. People need get back in saving stuff because what if there no store or food you know grow it your selfs
    At why homesteading is good way to go

  13. A bonus of that broken heater tho is you can get several spare parts from it for the other ones to increase their life abit longer.

  14. I smile or laugh to myself every time I see Callie. That little sweetie is growing so quick. She's so used to the video ending at suppertime that she knows exactly when to say bye-bye.

  15. @The Vegggie Boys how about joining a half dozen vids together so us bingers can get a longer fix?

  16. A telescoping inspection mirror will help with the hanging baskets though it may be easy to lose during the periods when you're not using it.

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