Edible Gardening

Edible Landscape With Rosalind Creasy

Rosalind Creasy is famous in the world of edible landscaping, in fact she coined the term in her first book, Edible Landscaping back in 1982. She has since authored over 16 books on the subject of growing and cooking edible plants. We had the honor of visiting and filming her and her wonderful yard.


  1. Great video! I could watch a ten part series of her walking through her garden. Placement is the hard part for me with grouping edibles and it really helps to see it on video from multiple angles and have the owner of the garden speak about it. Thanks

  2. "Daddy! Did you know carrots come out of the GROUND!" I remember making a salad to go with a meal I made for some neighbor kids who helped me with some yard work: I brought in lettuce et. al. from the garden, made the salad & placed it on the table, & one little girl said, "You eat LEAVES?!"
    If I could have an experience like that once a week I'd consider my life a success.

  3. "What a Wonderful World" this would be if everyone's front yard was an edible garden; would wipeout hunger and solve many other problems. O that this were the "norm." What a beautiful world!

  4. Thank You Rosalind =)  I am so inspired.  I am in the middle of submitting my landscape design to the water company so I can receive a rebate for removing my turf.   I have been having great success with my raised vegetable gardens and to now incorporate some of those vegetables and herbs into my landscape design is brilliant!  I have ordered several of your books to help me in plant selection and ideas.  I can't wait to get started…your garden is so beautiful and I hope someday mine will make you proud =)

  5. I love her book so much! I am so excited to do a transformation like this in my yard! Thanks so much for these videos!

  6. This is beautiful! Edible landscaping is wonderful and is necessary. We all eat and need to create a more direct relationship with our food … might as well make it pretty and practical as well!

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