Vegetable Gardening

Two Things for Great Vegetable Garden Soil

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A better understanding why SOMETIMES it’s actually GOOD to till your soil. Doc goes over who should till vs no-till. The nitrogen cycle explained and why clover is a great cover crop for your vegetable garden. DirtBooster is available on Amazon:
Great Video on nitrogen cycle:
NoTillGrower video:
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  1. I like the no till grower channel as well. Doc the field looks great and lush. Love the drone shot as well. I can’t wait to put down some green shocker on my lawn.

  2. I turned my backyard into a micro clover lawn. It has stayed green, I had all kinds of ant hills in my backyard, they are gone now. I rarely cut it or water it, I'm just waiting to see how it handles these desert summers.
    Listening to you I had a nice green lawn, but I wasn't able to be home enough to take care of it.

  3. So how do you plant vegetable garden seeds or seedlings into that thick field of clover and annual rye? Wouldn’t those existing cover crops choke out and steal nutrients from the new seeds/seedlings?

  4. Big question. How would you do this in raised beds? Just spread the clover and brassica with some dirt booster?

  5. Great video. I’m interested in the pond pump system. Size and type pump, pipe size and distribution at the end site. Would love to hear all about it.

  6. Haven't heard you mention anything about your snapping turtles or raccoon problems. Just a little inside info I obtained yesterday lol.

  7. Yes sir, deer galore before you know it. They love lopes and melons. Looks good Doc

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