Front Yard Garden

It’s Now Legal to Grow a Front Yard Vegetable Garden in Oak Park, MI for now – Julie Bass Update

John from shares with his viewers an update to the Julie Bass story. Julie was previously faced jail time because she planted a vegetable garden in her front yard. Learn about the latest update to this story. In addition, John makes the announcement that he will speak soon in Sonoma County and Share some of his Tree Collard Plants with some lucky attendees. More info at


  1. @growingyourgreens My front yard has a 8'X2' cedar fence raised bed that was inspired by you man, not a 4'X4', but at least it's the same square footage. Litchee's should look good with the scarlet runner beans that I planted behind them. Keep up the good fight, your vids are helpful in many ways.

  2. Great news….. I wrote a email to the mayor a long with countless others and hope it made a difference! Power to the people 🙂

  3. @Lleanlleawrg lol, by no means am I pushing to force front yard gardens. Only to push the sense of it, where by the garden choice would pay people back with food. As where the front yard of grass ends up costing the home owner lawn care. Either with the time to do it themselves, that they could invest in a vegetable garden. Or paying a lawn service, only benefit being a nicely groomed lawn without the edibles.

  4. Now they want to charge her for having unlicensed dogs. I can't paste the link, but it's linked on the drudge report. The article is found on the Infowars site, just add to the end of it the following: "front-yard-gardener-faces-new-charges/".

  5. @KingRyltar Yeah that I will agree with. You just came across as "ban grass gardens! push food gardens only" which sounded like an extremely bad idea to me. But we're in accord then, excellent.

  6. john your rocking that hat you look like Taj Mahal the bluesmen

    to me i dont care what the Law says whats legal and whats illegal i fallow natures laws

  7. @1984IcameandIstayed Yep you hit the nail right on the head. I wasn't gonna go into full detail as to not sound like a nut, but seem's more and more are becoming aware.

  8. Thank you for your part in helping Julie. Everyone in her town should do whatever they have to do to get this stupid law taken off the books. Yeah, Julie. WTG……

  9. Who cares what the authorities say, do it anyway, feed yourselves. When it all comes down to it, can that really be illegal? Power to the people!

  10. I'm glad this lady held her ground. Thank you for alerting others to her story. I heard about this when it first happened but many people don't listen to "good" news like I do. If they ever did that to me I would just ignore any charges like she did. Great work John, love that pumpkin I might try that next season.

  11. @moonshadow93924 its sad huh what beautiful AMERICA has turned into,…there's still hope, however faint though to regain our national heritage that the founding fathers established dontcha think?

  12. A small story and a big point. Americans continually tell each other what a great country America is, about "freedom" and "democracy" but these things are always under threat. I mean: the government will fight wars to get its hands on oil and at the same time towns pass laws making it a crime to hang out your clothes to dry in the sunshine. The pushback in Oak Park is a victory. If we dont use our voice to maintain our freedoms, we will lose them.

  13. @CobinRain I think the point of our democracy has ALWAYS been that we have to participate. Most people don't do anything outside of voting for the president or if something makes them angry. Most people have 3 jobs, their day job, caring for their family, and caring for their country and community (civic job).

  14. I am so happy for Julie this was a great victory! I would grow a garden in my front yard if it weren't for the 2 huge oak trees lol. I do grow on the side of my house which is seen from the front as well as around my mailbox.

  15. @brendan1iskool thats bs,they droped the charges,if the NWO was real,they would have not cared about what the people said

  16. NWO my ass- conspiracy theory nonsense; just another example of human superstition. Let's have some "real" evidence.

  17. John, the city probably dropped the criminal charges b/c the word "suitable", in that code provision is vague/ambigous. In a criminal proceeding, if a statute is sufficiently vague that a ordinary person would have to guess at it is meaning (i.e. suitable?), it will be unconstitutional & no conviction. Since city can simply rewrite the statute with specificity to expressly stop it; So she should introduce amendment to code to explressly allow front vegetable gardening or it may be outlawed.

  18. @RCvolunteer1978 – Your situation is different in that when you bought that HOA property you agreed to that restriction.

  19. Lawns didn't exist in America until the late 18th century. Instead, just outside the front door of a typical home was packed dirt or perhaps a cottage garden that contained a mix of flowers, herbs, and vegetables.

    Americans with enough money to travel overseas returned to the U.S. with images of the English lawns firmly planted in their imaginations. Lawns were seen as a luxury expense for only the wealthy.

    Now, the American way. Vanity and waste. I know people like you will change it.

  20. Yay for Julie!!! At least she has brought attention to a subject that should be on everyone's mind at this time. She could have just dug up her garden, but instead she has made public the subject people like you are trying to help America think about. Thanks for all your videos. Without videos like yours it would be much harder for people like me to have any type of success in our gardens :0)

  21. U can believe what u want. I'm not going to take away ur favorite toy. 1st,, this "Bill" must pass both Houses & be signed by the Pres. 2nd, I believe it is still in committee. 3rd, are u sure it expressly outlaws growing food for one's OWN personal consumption or just selling homegrown for profit? If city backed down here bc of negative publicity in this small case, what do u think will happen if a law is introduced to ACTUALLY make growing food personally illegal throughout the country?

  22. @lovescartoons — cont'd — C'mon. You need to put it in perspective. Not only that, but if such a law were passed and people didn't like it, they can vote to put people in power to change the law. I may sound naive, but that is how it goes in a Republic. Maybe the NWO exists, but I do not see any evidence of them controlling anything. Life is way too random.

  23. City backed off this lady bc enough people cried foul; it is a victory against overreaching government & pist ant public officials. I see no compelling evidence that NWO exists, & if it does, so what? Where has it ACTUALLY yielded this power successfully? I do believe that corporations (& certain wealthy individuals) try & do manipulate the system regularly but not in such a vast worldwide conspiracy as you believe; too many competing interests amongst them. Don't think that sounds naive – do u?

  24. Is this info accurate? I saw that on the same day you posted this video, the Oakparkhatesveggies web site states that "the charges are still pending" and that "dismissal without prejudice means that the prosecutor can come back at any time and reinstate the garden charge." I copied and pasted the quotes above directly from the site. I believe your title is misleading…It is "NOT" legal to grow food in the front yard in Oak Park yet….Keep on growing!

  25. Started a tree collards a few weeks ago and am so happy with how they are doing. Had a good laugh last night fantasizing a growing your greens spoof episode with you teaching us how to make use of that old abandoned car in your front yard by turning it into a raised bed garden.

  26. It would be funny if the people who charge Julie get cancer or disease in the future. If people start growing their own food, the business that would hurt the most is medical, meat company (you are talking about over 10 billion a month for each company).

  27. I don't understand which 'fruit-cake' would say you couldn't grow veg in your front yard… that's just ODD! someone must have shares in supermarkets or something… Unreal….

  28. We are in desperate need of creating grass roots organizations on the national level to bring attentions to these arcane laws and ordinances around the country and to help others to fight the abuse in every corner of the USA.

    Home gardening is one of the unsung heroes of this country. Home gardens are a patriotic thing to do and have helped feed families through the best and worst of times. They are as American as apple pie.
    Be a patriot and help fight in your neighborhood!

  29. It's 2013 and I am nearly 64, disabled (copd) and on regular Social Security…. next year the powers that be will take almost $200 of my pitiful stipend of barely $600 for forced medical coverage… soo I have started a garden this summer with as many perennial veggies as possible to be able to live on off the fat of my own (rented front yard) land. Not too many edible perennials survive the snows and short summers of a zone 7 area. I'll just keep planting, panting and praying for the best!

  30. In the 40's and 50's most people grew the majority of their produce in the front and side yards, the backyard w's usually taken up by their horse, poultry, and pig pen. It was not until advent of the "cookie cutter" suburban  "Movie Tone" news reel propaganda shorts flooded every theater with "Wonders of Tomorrow, Live there Today, less than your current rent !!!" became at the same time as the VA loans to buy a house on credit spread over 30 yrs payback. Up until then most houses/building lots had to be paid for in one lump sum on the day of purchase. There were no long term loans to individuals at the "grassroots" level. Business owners with "collateral securities" could get a loan if they could put up close to 5X the loan cost to cover a default, but the loans were mostly spread out from 6 months to maybe 5 yrs tops payback periods.

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