Edible Gardening

This company turns avocado pits into plastic. #avocado #plastic #zerowaste


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  1. Since the avocado thing is natural wouldn’t it be easier to throw away rather than turn into plastics that would eventually end in the trash

  2. Looking for a replacement for hydrocarbons? Look no further than any material containing water and carbon. Just add a bunch of chemicals and you can turn a jar of toenail clippings into plastic. This isn't new technology. This isn't good technology. Just wash your silverware and skip the plastic. As a consumer you can choose to carry silverware or chopsticks with you. This would save a ton of plastic waste.

  3. One thing not mentioned,,from corn you can do plastic too and it need not so much water like Avocado trees,,Mexico not doin that in future anymore,,they are suffering in waterproblems already

  4. that doesn’t make any sense if they can’t be compostable how are they going to compost as plastic😭

  5. We really just need to ban single use plastics except where its absolutely necessary (like in medicine for example)

  6. Why not just grind the pits into Pulp and then make plywood/like spoons out of them? I mean plywood is just a shit load of wood chips glued together to make big sheets of well, plywood.

  7. I like how avacados will overthrow the meat heads. You gotta eat meat to get your fat? NO. Then you need beans and BROWN rice to avoid killing animals.

  8. some heartwarming news for once, it appears like most Americans have just completely given up trying since we all realized everything we thought we were recycling was just going straight to landfill and it was all a big marketing campaign brainwashing tactic from big oil.

  9. Plant based plastics are not biodegradable 😐 compostable plastics break down into micro plastics and are mixed into our soil 😢

  10. The pits are edible and kills parasites in all of your organs esp. liver gallbladder bile ducts pancreas spleen stomache …

  11. People that are reversing pollution and are making the world a better place are the real heroes! Compassion for the earth!

  12. In america terrible attitude to recycling. I dont see any recycling bin around where I could put paper at least. Americans always talk like oh we always can get whatever we want. Wood from canada, children from foster house ( in lgbt situation) , blabla. Shame shame

  13. There's a gentleman in I believe China that uses pineapple to make soap. It's amazing how we can use foods to make other materials/products with.

  14. I'm excited that they are looking at ways to reuse waste..yes it may take longer to break down but its important its biodegradable..and the young man working probably has alot more knowledge and is healthier then our US kids.. I do hope he's not being used as a slave worker though.

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