Edible Gardening

Spring Garden Tour – It’s waking up fast!!

1st Spring Weekly Garden Tour – In this video we show off some of the things that have come to life in the last couple of weeks in the garden. It’s amazing how fast things can grow and jump into flower in the spring garden.

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  1. I’m my mothers daughter. We both take our visitors for strolls through our garden. Seems each plant holds a story.

  2. I wish my landscape was as lush and colorful. Unfortunately, it looks like my perennials and evergreens will spend the season recovering from the crazy arctic blast the southern U.S. received in December. Guess I'll concentrate on more annuals in the meantime!

  3. Love your buckeye! Mine is a little behind yours bloomwise but my daughter-in-law dug it up along the side of the road and gave it to me as she knew I loved seeing them bloom along the road to their house.

  4. Thank you, Jim. Love watching your videos and I always learn something new. I'm in the Seattle area. zone 8B, so what you teach always applies. I actually moved here 3 years ago from Santa Barbara so I was very happy to see that you were going out there to visit. Will you be showing anything from SB in your videos? BTW, I'm super impressed with how long you can remain in a squatting position while you're talking about a particular plant. How do you manage that? Do you do yoga?

  5. What a treat from Ram! I love my red buckeye! I'm sure you know that each year it will have babies around it. If it EVER stops raining here, I plan to dig up some of mine and take to our local plant swap in a couple of weeks. Noticed this morning that my Obsession and Flirt nandinas are making a comeback! Still think my distyllium, cryptomeria, and chamaecyparis are goners, but will give them till May…Thanks for showing us what beautiful plants are blooming in your yard!

  6. Love Red Buckeyes they’re so interesting. At our old house ours would put on the most growth during cool, wet springs.

  7. Thank you Jim for a great program. I agree 100% with your statement that plants with a history are more interesting. I can look at my garden and I can remember who gave me a plant, the occasion, season, weather. They are very cherished by me

  8. Jim, I totally appreciate your channel, and I also have a critique.
    Over the last few videos, you have used the word "things" about 12 million times. Sometimes two and three times in an extended sentence.
    I really want to learn as much as possible from you, so I'm asking that you consciously express your thoughts with more precise words.
    I don't mean to be a crank, nor am I a troll. I dig your channel, and knowing what you are talking about is important to me.
    Thanks for all your effort and positive energy!

  9. Hi I have some hydrangeas to little limes and a bo Bo. One of the little limes and the Bobo is coming back fine, but my other little lime is coming back spotty. There are a few limbs that have leaves on them. What should I do? Should I cut it all the way back or cut it back to those few limbs that have leaves

  10. BEAUUUUTIFL clematis, Jim! Oh my gosh!! WANT IT!!! Exciting to see everything wake up after your trip, I'm sure! (exciting for us viewers!!!) Jelly that all's coming to life…we've got rain here SW of CLE(veland, OH, zone 6a); soon's it warms up a bit, it rains! 😞 Hard to work outside…my daffs are just, just starting to barely open up!

  11. With the sudden warm temps here in atlanta, many of my perennials have POPPED! But some have not and I wonder if they are dead even though are cold hardy. Thoughts??

  12. Thanks you for sharing all your knowledge about gardening! It’s so helpful 😊 I love watching all your videos, I learn something new every time. Please keep up the good work!

  13. So true about going out of town and seeing the explosion of growth when you get back. Beautiful Dr. Rupel clematis. Wowzers!!! Can you please tell me what that green and white cage is behind you 3:20? Looks like a bird feeder of some kind but it doesn’t look like squirrels would be interested in it. I only feed the hummingbirds because when I tried to feed the birds I attracted so many other animals I was not trying to attract. Thanks.

  14. So good to see means we’re not far behind! There’s a day in the 80s in the forecast little early but I’ll take it. Been weird spring here all my bulbs are blooming at the same time it’s beautiful. But my squill, crocus and, dafs have kinda all bloomed and are peaking at the same time, normally blooming in the order listed then tulips r only a few inches tall 🤔

  15. Encore azaleas have no leaves or blooms. So sad . I have 6 and they are all the same. Still green inside. I’m in VA I don’t know why mine don’t look like yours

  16. Your description of the "plant collector" garden designer "designing in drifts of one" was perfect. The previous owners of this house were, first, a state arborist who brought home orphans, and after him a plant collecting couple. Now I'm here with a bit of the bug myself and with a master gardener friend (and plant collector) as my advisor.

    Have a video you'd recommend on adding a bit of order to that kind of chaos?

  17. Omg I didn’t realize you had a Solar glow Azalea. Those are beautiful. Really really gorgeous. Imagine this Jim, those Solar Glow Azaleas back dropped by Coral Bark Japanese Maples then maybe some some snow crystal alyssum or some sort of delicate white flower ground cover. Oh man, I’m getting all sorts of ideas over here. As always wonderful video, bro. Your garden is enchanting already!

  18. I’d love to try that burning love leucothoe. I’m having a hard time find it. Is it too early in the year or just a harder planter to find?

  19. Interested in helping a young birch tree we have thicken up its trunk as you are doing with your service berry. Will pruning a little off the top of a birch work for a birch tree too?
    It's been in the ground for 4 years and still a very skinny wip, while growing taller (about 8' tall now) (zone 6b)

  20. Who is "we" you frequently refer to? Do you employee people to help in your garden? It is hard for me to find help. I'm on two acres. I have a mow and blow guy, someone to help pick up limbs and a lawn service to spray preemergence for weeds and insects in late summer if needed. It is very hard to keep my yard like I like it to look!!!

  21. ❤hello Mr Jim And Stephany: I watching, across I watching. When you guys coming to see us again?Dr Armitage was here 2 days ago. He coming back in next 2 weeks. Hello to all my friends that watching.

  22. ❤I very happy to see plant that went home with you guys doing well. It 's looks beautiful. Hoped to see you guys again. ❤

  23. The garden looks great Jim! Question for you and your followers … I'm helping someone design a small front yard shade garden in Chicago. We are in the process of pulling out a yew hedge and want to replace it with something a little showier (and ideally native). We were told that it was best to wait a year before installing anything new. Is that true? We got the vast majority of one yew out and are having an arborist come out to look at the remaining shrubs. Would it be ok to plant something tough this year, like elderberries? Or do we really need to wait for those roots to die?

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