Gardening Supplies

Today is the day, come on triplets!🤞 Growing Together (Part 8)

Quinn is due any moment now, hoping for triplets!

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  1. Not only do all the kids have TREE names.. all the boys so far are TREE NAMES that start with the letter A!!

  2. My sim just naturally had triplets in game and I’m telling you James….you don’t want the chaos that is triplet infants 🥴 I’m loosing it

  3. That gardening bug never getting fixed is a big part of why I don't play anymore.

  4. Is there a Bigwallet family tree posted somewhere? I haven’t really been following so I’m not familiar with all the extended members.

  5. I had a stay over with my sims mom and my sims husband started flirting with her now they are in a relationship and we got divorced and they just had two babies together…. So the babies are half siblings and uncles/niece… 🤦‍♀️

  6. Omg so much money wasted 🥴 Make the diapers like normally and not clothes so you get money by puting them by yourself in the cash bin! Also the bottles of milk and plates

  7. I find draggin the items instead of asking them to clean up works better with the bin as the sims tend to choose the sinks more than the bin lol

  8. Imagine being Hilary, her mom just passed, and her husband Addison must be like. ‘Huh wonder what that’s like?’ Everyone in his family, his parents and grandmother, are immortal

  9. No guys the Comment Section is not a chat section! It's a Comment Section where you talk about the video you were watching right here! Not about Bigwallets!

  10. For the continuity of the Bigwallet gene, can't we have Kevin and Reginald have a science baby?

  11. How after so much work, did James not get triplets.. My current save family, had twins, then a single birth and thennn, triplets. No lot traits, cheats etc. Want to quit every time I open it up haha 😭🤣

  12. I hate to tell ya but they’re not gonna put dishes in the bin, they get washed unless there’s no water, now make sure when they fixing stuff to save parts and then throw trash in the bin, and don’t forget to search laundry for money 😅😂 just a lil advice.

  13. i feel like your the only youtuber that doesnt use the inside bin that gives money back.. sure its expensive but then you wouldnt need a washing machine and an outside bin and it gives moneeeey

  14. I LOVE how hands-on Addison is. Honestly the most useful stayover sim I've seen across a few different LPs. Loving this series!

  15. I love you and your vids, but… Oof. The editing on this one made me feel like I was watching YOU on fast-forward! It felt like every 3sec there was an edit cut.

  16. I didn't have the fertility reward and just set the lot to Fertile and got triplets first go on accident 🥲 CHANGE THE LOT TRAIT JAMES! 😂

  17. I can imagine Willow and Quinn being pregnant at the same time

  18. I had Venessa Jeong and Gavin Richards both have fertility traits before conceiving and they didn’t have twins or triplets. I tried twice and I even think I had the lot trait and they had single births every time. Meanwhile Gemma Charm and her husband had no fertility traits or lot traits and bam! they had triplets. Lol. I love how it isn’t guaranteed and sort of random like real life.

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