Garden Design

Old Trees Never Die – Garden design with Australian Plants plus others – Tracie Dyson – MIFGS 2023

Old Trees Never Die. This Achievable Garden, designed by Swinburne student, Tracie Dyson, asks us to think about generational connections and how we value elder trees (and people) in our lives.

Using a gentle palette of mostly Australian plants, in silver-grey and copper hues, selected plant and timber textures soften a strongly geometric seating arrangement with the stunning octagon fire pit a major feature.

An innovative interpretation of a Grass Tree using a local native grass (Knobby Club Rush) mounted high on a constructed stand is a clever way to achieve a certain look in an affordable way.

Plant List

Dianella caerulea ‘Cassa Blue’
Banksia spinulosa ‘Birthday Candles’
Adenanthos ‘Copper Glow’
NZ – Carex communis
Pennisetum adventum rubra ‘Purple Fountain Grass’
Austomyrtus dulcis ‘Copper’Tops’
Leptospermum morrisonii ‘Burgandy’
Lomandra ‘Frosty Tops’
Eucalyptus polyanthemus Red Box
Gastrolobium celsianum ‘Swan River Pea’
Ficinia nodosa ‘Knobbly Club Rush’
Cordyline Electric Flash
Grevillea Outback Sunrise.


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